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  1. NFA

    Afraid to diet??

    No. As a blanket statement its the truth. Diets don't work. Not an opinion. They don't. Weight loss is fundamentally incompatable with fat acceptance and I am very tired of people who try to portray themselves as couragous and beseiged defenders of the STATUS QUO. There is a world of...
  2. NFA

    Afraid to diet??

    Look, if you've been on appetite suppressents, then you've been trying to lose weight whether you call it a diet or not. The reaction from your body is going to be the same. Your body may gain for a period of time as it stabalizes. The important thing right now is to work on developing a...
  3. NFA

    Afraid to diet??

    I know diet promoters would like to portray that fear as irrational, but this wouldn't be fear as much as a lesson learned. Diets don't work. 95-99% fail within just 5 years. 90% of failures result in MORE weight being put back on than was lost to begin with. If someone has learned that...
  4. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    I spent my youth trying to get young women to see the beauty I saw in them. Once I got into a relationship with a BBW who accepted herself, it was a revelation. I really wasn't aware that this option existed and now in sight, I could never look away. I can't spend my life trying to fix other...
  5. NFA

    Obese Twice as Likely to go Blind

    The best they could do is twice as likely? They really need to get better when trying to game scare stats. How likely do you think it is for a "healthy" person to just go blind? Very low, I'd think. So, its just two times something which is already very low. The result is a "risk" which is...
  6. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    Can't rep you again yet, but if anything warrented a rep this would be it. As an FA, this is absolutely encouraging and wonderful to hear.
  7. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    Any FA who accepts the notion that Feeders are FAs is contributing to the misconception that fat attraction is a fetish. Feeders are NOT FA's. That's not a value judgement. Its just a recognition of a clear and important distinction. Feeders aren't attracted to fat women. They fetishize a...
  8. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    Feel free to lose the self-righteousness whenever you feel like it. What you are looking for isn't a man who will want you for WHO you are. You are looking for a man who will like what you want them to like and dislike what you want them to dislike. That's your right, but don't act as if...
  9. NFA

    SA-How long does it take?

    No, self-acceptance definetly doesn't happen in an instance. Indeed, I would say it is something that is always a process. In our culture, I don't think anyone can ever be 100% self-accepting. An important thing to learn is that you can't expect perfection. But nevertheless, that is what you...
  10. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    Which might not be much in either instance. Or worse yet, maybe he really does prefer one over the other but declines to admit as much. Lets say you get sick and lose weight temporarily. Getting sick may induce weight loss, but its no weight loss plan. When you get better, your weight will...
  11. NFA

    Dating only FAs

    I really don't get the interest in actively wanting a mate to not be attracted to you physically. The point has been made already, but it absolutely deserves repeating. Dating an FA does NOT mean you are dating someone who is only into your body. It means you are dating someone who is ALSO...
  12. NFA

    Once you go fat, do you ever go back?

    I've heard of the phenomenon before. Tempting as it may be to think so, I don't think its really about some inate superiority of fat women over thin women that simply needs to be experienced. I'd guess that there are a fair number of FAs who stronly repress those desires and when they finally...
  13. NFA

    New with a question

    I would say that some FA's don't look past a BBW's body. This isn't because they are FA's. Its because they are men. Its a problem with the gender, not the orientation. I don't think its any more of a problem for FA's than it is for "normal" men. Just one more easily identified because we...
  14. NFA

    New with a question

    I'm a bit curious about how you managed to be unaware of fat women until you discovered the internet. In short, though, there is no firm answer to your question. Many insist that it is learned and others that it is inate. I suspect the truth is somewhere in between. I think for some, they...
  15. NFA

    "patients who are very obese are sometimes sent to nearby veterinary colleges. "

    This story explains a lot of the ways in which fat people are denied proper medical care. It doesn't even get into the issues of dealing with doctors who feel a moral imparative to harp on one's weight and the alarming number of times this has caused doctors to ignore serious and often...
  16. NFA

    How the French Stay Thin

    The French "stay thin" the way many other cultures do (Japan springs quickly to mind). Its not by portion control, but by public relations control. There are fat people there. They just make sure us folks from the US don't see. Strictly speaking, anyone who viewed American culture through...
  17. NFA

    Ephedra's back, friend or foe?

    You aren't going to eat yourself immobile if you get hurt. I can't say it any other way than to state that this is an irrational fear, but one more apt to be made real by trying to lose weight than by accepting your body and living a healthy lifestyle without weight stigmatization. Not only do...
  18. NFA

    Ephedra's back, friend or foe?

    Ephedra isn't on the market because it is no longer safe. Its back on the market because courts ruled that a loophole meant that no matter how dangerous it is, that it can't be pulled off the market. The FDA won't even research it any further because it feels it is unethical given the risks...
  19. NFA

    Carnie Wilson on the next "Celebrity Fit Club"

    Wilson didn't regain weight because of "food issues". She regained weight because that's what happens with WLS. She's not the first and she won't be the last. Because her livlihood has depended on being a weight-loss spokesperson, she's had resources most patients never have access to and...
  20. NFA

    'I think I am a sizist'

    The "lets all agree that you're unacceptable" version of "size acceptance" goes well beyond this one individual. There are a lot of people who think its just "common sense" to set limits to size acceptance. Inevitably, the limits are set to either their current weight or their current "goal"...