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  1. SoDelicate

    Game: Pick-ups and put-downs

    Do you honestly think your sperm are that smart?
  2. SoDelicate

    Um, Can I Post This W/O Getting A Slap on the Hand....?

    I don't think they make a bra that fixes that :p
  3. SoDelicate

    Cool sighting at the park today....

    Oh the devil in me would definately have a bit of fun with knowing I had the attention of some admiring strangers, (single of course..or dependent on how secure my other half at the time was in the relationship to know I was just havin a bit of fun :p) perhaps not at a park in front of...
  4. SoDelicate

    How many people here have a MySpace page?

    Well so do I :p actually I have a few sites related to music lol. But for the record mister *I refuse to get a myspace site* ;) Some little known folks like oh... say.... Lonestar, Garthbrooks, Jason McCoy, Allan Jackson, and a shitload more folks just like em have myspace websites? :p...
  5. SoDelicate

    What two words best describe your personality?

    Mostly? Romantic Devil But even as a writer....I can't narrow my personality down to two words... Not sure if that's a good or bad thing though lol.
  6. SoDelicate

    Debra Lafave - Double Standard for Males and Females Who Engage in Sex with Students?

    To be honest... I'd be interested in seeing the results of a study on both male, and female teenagers who lost their virginity to an adult.(With their consent, and I am not talking about child abuse where parents, family members etc..are involved) I wouldn't be one bit surprised to find it's...
  7. SoDelicate

    How many people here have a MySpace page?

    *Gives Chimpi the Evil, now Black eye*:mad: What?? you just couldn't have stolen it back? *puts foot out and trips Chimpi*:cool: *mumbles to self, that'll teach him to mess with me*:cool: And again, thank you for listening lol :) but Ditto above on the vocals lol. And, I'm a...
  8. SoDelicate

    How many people here have a MySpace page?

    Alas, only in my dreams can I take credit for the vocals ;) The vocals are that of a 16 year old up and coming artist I work with :) *laugh* although....the devil in me is tempted to post a song I do have vocals in :D But you may have to wash your ears out afterwards :p That aside.. Thank...
  9. SoDelicate

    Debra Lafave - Double Standard for Males and Females Who Engage in Sex with Students?

    hmmm, I didn't know the charges had been dropped, interesting development. I think allot of things come into play in cases like this.. First off, almost every guy I talked too about this case when it first came out, basically said the kid was nuts for ever telling, I mean...this IS a...
  10. SoDelicate

    A few days old

    Hello all :) Well I'm sure you've seen me posting a bit here and there around the boards, wasn't sure where to post an introduction, saw a few in here, and decided here's as good a place as any... I'm 29, from Alberta Canada, a BBW, and for all the years I've actively been online, had no...
  11. SoDelicate

    well i found a church of ass holes

    I agree, great first post Gooddad :) I don't usually bother to post my opinion of the Iraq war, and I won't now either, everyone's got an opinion, and there's no point in repeating them, over and over again. But regardless of the war, or it's reasons...they chose to go...(and regardless of...
  12. SoDelicate

    well i found a church of ass holes

    Not really, it's no different than any other contract signed, the more you know about the contract, and what you're getting into, the better deal you can make for yourself. If you're going to choose something as a career for 5, 10, 15 years... And decide to jump in without research, or...
  13. SoDelicate

    well i found a church of ass holes

    I don't buy it for a moment, that the soldiers from our countries are over there because they were misled into believing, it's the only way they will have a chance at a decent life, or that the average soldier over there came from an oppressed america, or for that matter...that we sent our...
  14. SoDelicate

    humor *smiles*

    hahahahaha some of these are Beautiful :D DO YOU KNOW JACK SCHITT? For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an...
  15. SoDelicate


    *laugh* I have GOT to say I love your signature AnnMarie :D hehehe definately got a giggle out of your quote there, "You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same" Brilliant hehehehe Interesting responses, I agree the female responses seem more everwhelming, but...
  16. SoDelicate


    Well I'm starting my first thread on this board :) My first reccomendation is to ADD MORE SMILEY'S :D Specifically a blushing smiley, a devil, an angel, and an "what did I do??" innocent look smiley :p Now onto the reason I'm posting lol... I'm curious about the guy to girl ratio on...
  17. SoDelicate

    BBW drawings by FreeThinker

    Excellent Drawings I gotta say my two favs are Jayne (the best look alike of my figure I've seen :D ) and Cheryl, very well done :) SoDelicate
  18. SoDelicate

    How many people here have a MySpace page?

    *steals chimpi's myspace page* well now it's *my* space:D
  19. SoDelicate

    Help please :( (naughty men)

    Interesting thread... Well having read the vast majority of what is here, save maybe a few sentences... I thought I'd voice my opinion, not that anyone gives a damn, I just like to watch myself type :D I actually believe him, and his explanation, simply because when I'm *fishing* so to speak...
  20. SoDelicate

    What annoys you most?

    and those that are happy all the time are usually a wee bit high on something:p another one for the list When I stubb my toe or something, and cause it hurts like a son of a B, let out a curse or two or three, then someone asks, are you ok???:doh: I'm just Flippin Ducky :D:rolleyes: