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  1. SoDelicate

    If you bumped into the person above you, what would you say to them?

    They're all freaks ;) <<< stands up :P
  2. SoDelicate

    What are you digging listening to right now?

    hmmmm, lets see Goo goo dolls- Iris Third Matinee-Echo Hill Brian Mcknight-You're The Only One For Me Semisonic-Secret Smile David Beddingfield- If I'm Not The One that about sums up my repeat list the last week or so
  3. SoDelicate

    Name that song!

    Reo Speedwagen- Golden Country Sometimes I'd like to break you And drive you to your knees
  4. SoDelicate

    Name that song!

    :eek: Dagnabit, next time I'm using a song I wrote:doh:
  5. SoDelicate

    Name that song!

    *laugh* no, I'm being fair, it was a song actually put out by and band and a label, but they only ever made one cd... Happy guessing :D
  6. SoDelicate

    Name that song!

    hehehe, no, I'll eat your hat if anyone actually gets the one I posted :P and yes I saw that:doh: had to edit my post :P
  7. SoDelicate

    Name that song!

    Nine inch nails- Into the void How about... Sadness for the wasted years Pouring out the bitter tears As they touch me, they heal me That's all I need to know
  8. SoDelicate


    actually, my guess would be that it has something to do with How search engines send out information crawlers so to speak, to sites on the net. I moderate at a rather large music forum that had the same thing happening, a very unusual amount of *guests* appeared to be reading on a daily basis...
  9. SoDelicate

    What annoys you most?

    - People that can't think for themselves, and who change their mind about things depending on who they are around at the moment - Mechanics and Computer techs who treat me like I shouldn't know anything about either, because I'm a woman - People that don't think cleanliness is important
  10. SoDelicate

    Your User Name

    Hmmm, well..it's the name of a song I wrote, Self descriptive I guess :) SoDelicate
  11. SoDelicate

    How many people here have a MySpace page?

    Hi all, I'm new here :) Just thought I'd jump in and say, I've got one, although it took forever for me to bother lol. http://www.myspace.com/sharonmark Feel free to add me if you'd like :) SoDelicate