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  1. dblbellybhm

    Youtube Video - BHM

    You might like my youtube video: http://youtu.be/gWWU1I8LLg4
  2. dblbellybhm

    Missing the Weight

    I've been fat and I've been thin and I definitely prefer fat. I was a fat kid, usually the fattest in my class in grade school. I dieted after high school and got down to 140 lbs. Got a lot of attention and positivity but I didn't feel like myself. Allowed the weight to come back but then...
  3. dblbellybhm


    I too have similar regrets. Since I was very young I have desired to be fat and to gain weight. By the fourth grade I was in the "husky" world, having gained 30 lbs. over the summer vacation. In high school I was very actively gaining weight but after high school things kind of tapered off...
  4. dblbellybhm

    BHM videos

    I'll try this again. As I said before I don't know how many FFAs check these things out but here goes: http://youtu.be/gWWU1I8LLg4 :D
  5. dblbellybhm

    BHM videos

    I really don't know if there is a big FFA fan base looking for BHM videos but I did post one. http://you.be/pprFoOt3NWU
  6. dblbellybhm

    An Awesome Takedown of a Fat Hater

    Great post. Thanks for sharing that. "One picture is worth a thousand words"
  7. dblbellybhm

    Show off your best/cutest/largest dimples!

    I've been told that my belly dimple is very cute. :blush:
  8. dblbellybhm

    Against Fat Shaming

    Here is an interesting article on one young woman's response to fat shaming. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/blogger-39-awesome-photo-series-exposes-online-fat-193900327.html Courage
  9. dblbellybhm

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Thought I would try one lying down. So much more relaxing.
  10. dblbellybhm

    Fat Public Humiliation = Sexual Attraction

    Personally, I dislike these types of shows and never watch them. But I do wonder why the participants have to strip down and show their fat. Certainly not to prove that they are fat! I don't know if it has anything to do with sexual attraction but I am convinced that there is a curiosity...
  11. dblbellybhm

    Belly library (men/women)

    Spent the summer at the beach working on my belly tan. Really love the result!
  12. dblbellybhm

    Expert thinks we should shame the obese to lose weight

    I totally agree with that. And in my experience these individuals also have hidden agendas that make them behave this way.
  13. dblbellybhm

    Taboo USA: Extreme obesity

    I thought it was a reasonable and thoughtful presentation of issues often discussed here.
  14. dblbellybhm

    Weight Board Confessional

    IC that I get a "rush" out of gaining weight especially when people notice it. I have also come to love showing off my fat at the beach and watching/hearing reactions.
  15. dblbellybhm

    Has your preference changed over the years?

    While I was always attracted to bigger girls, I first realized a very strong preference for BBW pear shaped women in my senior year of HS. As I got older my esthetic settled in the 350 to 500 pound range. Today I still prefer pear shaped BBWs but now I include those with substantial bellies as well.
  16. dblbellybhm

    Woman to hand out 'fat letters' instead of candy

    This reminds me of when I was a child and grownups would shut their doors in my face or not give me candy with the other kids because they knew I was Jewish. It was prejudicial and hurtful. This is just another form of prejudice and will be hurtful not helpful in the least. If one believes...
  17. dblbellybhm

    It Gets Better, Unless You’re Fat

    Thank you for sharing that. I am not a gay man but I am fat and his perspective is right on. It is at once an inspiring piece and a disturbing one.
  18. dblbellybhm

    Belly library (men/women)

    I got a nice belly tan on the beach this summer:)
  19. dblbellybhm

    Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls So I Will

    Wonderful article. Thanks for the link. Applies to everyone.