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  1. Sugar

    Close Account

    Per the FAQ's you can't... How do I delete my account? We don't delete accounts. Repeat: WE DO NOT DELETE ACCOUNTS. Just stop posting...
  2. Sugar

    October Foodee Challenge Vote

    Vote is open for 3 days! Here is the list of entries.
  3. Sugar

    October Iron Foodee Challenge

    I'll make a poll and SVS will sticky it when she sees it! Yay for nuts!
  4. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    LOL that was my experience too. The lady who put me in yellow didn't even measure me...she just said lift your shirt and turn around for me. What I found was that the LB jeans right fit do have a lot of give. They are skin tight when I put them on and then they smooth out to fit me...
  5. Sugar

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Chiles Rellenos à la San Angel Inn & rice pudding for dessert!
  6. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    I've wondered about ON a lot. I've never ordered from them and I worry that their pants will have room for a large bum...which I am seriously lacking. I do think their clothes are way cuter than LB.
  7. Sugar

    Foods you will NEVER try.

    You know...a pig roast is probably the best meal I've ever had. Then again the eyes were shut on our pig...
  8. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    I have to agree here...I didn't know jeans could fit my non-butt until I got sized by someone who knew what they were doing at LB.
  9. Sugar

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Homemade bean dip. :eat2:
  10. Sugar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm very annoyed that my team is losing big time right now. How is it I get so wrapped up in strangers playing with a ball?!?!
  11. Sugar

    Can you access Dimensions in your workplace?

    Two words: Bert & Ernie :happy:
  12. Sugar

    I Feel I Can Share

    Steely, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.
  13. Sugar

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    *Gives Valentine her FGC back* The fudge snickers are horrible. ;) We should be taking cards away from those who invented it.
  14. Sugar

    What Are You EATING right now?

    My go-to...olive cheese bread. :eat2:
  15. Sugar

    Do you really, from the bottom of your heart, love being a fat girl?

    I like the others feel that Tina really articulated how I feel about being fat. Just like all aspects of life there are things that are really awesome and things that really piss me off. I do think that there is a fair amount of women who are fat and hate their body and hide this fact...
  16. Sugar

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    I have stroganoff planned. I'm overly excited about this! :eat1::happy:
  17. Sugar

    Can you access Dimensions in your workplace?

    Nope, I've never been able to access it...3 different companies. I also cannot get on dims at the local library.
  18. Sugar

    Happy Birthday SoVerySoft!

    Happy birthday!!! :)
  19. Sugar

    Your Kitchen Christmas Wish List!

    This: This: This: This:
  20. Sugar

    Discretion being the better part of valor.

    This sounds better suited for the health forum...since it's a health issue. Plus I thought this was a place for BBW's to discuss BBW issues. Not necessarily discuss health issues with a man trying to "help" a friend. Part of being an adult is taking care of your health...even the things...