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  1. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    I'm pretty jazzed that I finally get to post here...ON had some great deals this morning.
  2. Sugar

    BBW Confessions thread

    ((((Lisa)))) I do know how you feel and I hope you feel better soon. You are not selfish or stupid your feelings are yours and there is no shame in being honest that you feel like shit. If you need an ear I'm always around.
  3. Sugar

    BBW Confessions thread

    ((((Amy)))) I will keep you in my thoughts.
  4. Sugar

    What is making you SAD right now...

    A tooth that I thought had been fixed is killing me and last visit I maxed out my insurance. :(:mad:
  5. Sugar

    ' Small ' Moves...BIG Deal!

    I went grocery shopping yesterday at two stores.
  6. Sugar

    Why does everybody type in small boring font?

    The mustache does that for you, yo!
  7. Sugar

    ' Small ' Moves...BIG Deal!

    I walked around Target yesterday with no cane, but I did have a basket.
  8. Sugar

    Happy Birthday Miss Vickie

    Happy birthday!! :)
  9. Sugar

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Adventureland 6/10 - it was so formulaic and Kristen Stewart gets on my nerves she ruined it for me. Not even Bill from Freaks & Geeks could make up for it...but he tried.
  10. Sugar

    Childless By Choice

    Your heart and kindness keeps me in awe. There is nothing wrong with not wanting kids.
  11. Sugar

    The "Foods I Wish Were Still Around" Thread

    LOL you simmer down. I just enjoy treating you like a baby...give you a cookie, then a bottle, then shake the fight out of you and see what happens. :wubu:
  12. Sugar

    The "Foods I Wish Were Still Around" Thread

    If you don't stop using mix in general we're going to have a problem. Try this. I did and it made me feel whole and complete as a human being.
  13. Sugar

    What's your dog's favorite treat?

    My dog is allergic to everything so she has a limited diet...but she goes crazy for carrots. Even the word sends her into a tizzy. It's adorable.
  14. Sugar

    GYN visit

    Oh...well not that my answer is different but I've been to a PP and was told I'm too fat for an exam. I've never been treated well in a PP office.
  15. Sugar

    GYN visit

    Jewels I've not ran into anyone needing help to get the speculum in...I used to be close to 450 and even now I have a considerable amount of skin. When I was bigger there was trouble keeping it in for any length of time, but no issues getting it in. As for the cuff...I normally have to tell...
  16. Sugar

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I'm not sure this is sad but maybe more disappointed/confused/perplexed. There are actual "scientific museums" that show panoramas with humans AND dinosaurs in the same scene. Like they lived together...like some little house on the prairie scene. I get it that some people have...
  17. Sugar

    Foodee Complaints

    Could the directors of food shows stop taking a close up that makes you think you're looking at barf as opposed to actual food? I get it, the food is art. :rolleyes:
  18. Sugar

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Happy birthday!!!
  19. Sugar

    Compulsive Eating, Overeaters Anonymous, Etc.

    I will, thanks so much! (((hugs for support)))
  20. Sugar

    Compulsive Eating, Overeaters Anonymous, Etc.

    Thanks ladies, this was helpful. I just may have to use the force for now! ;)