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  1. Sugar

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Well my tata's are double jointed and they were in the circus for a time...but that's besides the point. :p
  2. Sugar

    What a Female, Overweight Dr. Thinks of BBW/SBBW Women ~ I'm Furious!!!

    I am so sorry this happened to you. I really would do everything in your power to find a different doctor. Not because you don't need to lose weight (that is for you and your doctor to decide together) but because clearly your personalities are conflicting enough that it is adversely...
  3. Sugar

    save the whales

    This thread from the fall talks about this peta ad.
  4. Sugar

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Mcdonalds pie. Some how some way...the designer of the lot that the walgreens and the mcdonalds sit on knew...just knew it would be awesome for me and pretty much everyone that uses these two stores to have the drive thrus right next to each other! :happy:
  5. Sugar

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Thanks, it'll be OK...one day we're going to have shirts that say "save the joints and the tata's". I'm working on that now with all of my free time. :happy:
  6. Sugar

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    They had Judge Wapner on People's Court today.
  7. Sugar

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I threw my back out which wasn't so terrible but then it caused a flare up. :( I feel like I can't catch a GD break.
  8. Sugar

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Agreed and thank you.
  9. Sugar

    Nice Guys finish last

    It concerns me that you carry a gnome in your back pocket "just in case". ;)
  10. Sugar

    Nice Guys finish last

  11. Sugar

    I Love Glee!!!

    I am so glad I didn't check the thread until I watched lol. I have to say I loved this episode. I really don't enjoy episodes with Mr. Shu's wife in them. I've never liked that actress even when she was on Boston Public. I hope something comes out about her lying soon. I really loved...
  12. Sugar

    Turkey time

    You may want to check out this thread from last year. As always...when someone wants to fry a turkey...I say BE CAREFUL. Grease ball fires are scary!
  13. Sugar

    Recipe Requests Thread

    Sunnie is really the cookie queen. She needs to open a cookie shop. Just sayin'
  14. Sugar

    How'd you get your man?

    One of the best sweet stories ever!
  15. Sugar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I've been on dims too much lately. I've had two separate non-racy dreams about two different people being my bf/gf. It wouldn't be so odd if I knew them at all...lol.
  16. Sugar

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    A nice rep from an unexpected place gave me another gold can. Thanks :wubu:
  17. Sugar

    How'd you get your man?

    What was so great about Goofy's story is that she called him the busboy for weeks. So I thought for ages she met him at a diner or something where dishes were spilled and she helped pick them up. ;)
  18. Sugar

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Taco Bell. :eat2:
  19. Sugar

    Nice Guys finish last

    A) Lisa is a total cream puff. B) I think one of the main differences between a nice person and a dick is someone who can offer their perspective and opinions without being cruel, unkind, or generally mean. It's one thing to say my opinion is X and this why. It's another to say you're wrong...
  20. Sugar

    Nice Guys finish last

    You know, there is some truth for me to the idea that I stayed in my comfort zone and it yielded no results. For some reason for years I went for the tattooed jobless good time Jesse James/Jeremiah Johnson wanna be. Then one day a very clean cut sensitive family oriented guy started talking to...