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  1. Sugar

    How'd you get your man?

    Dim chat as well. I, however, cannot belch the alphabet. I make up for that with sarcasm and candy.
  2. Sugar

    As a woman, do you like natural fibers or synthetic ones for your clothes?

    Ash you're looking so pretty! Thanks so much!
  3. Sugar

    Talking about being a fat woman with a person who is neither

    I always thought that sympathy was you've been through it too, and empathy was I feel for you. Like if someone says my dog died. Empathy: I am so sorry, that must be very hard. Sympathy: I am so sorry, last year my dog Chippy died in a car accident. So sad. Either way, I agree...
  4. Sugar

    Talking about being a fat woman with a person who is neither

    I have no want to discuss being fat with anyone who isn't fat unless they are my partner or someone I really care about. I know that we should want to spread the word and share...but depending on the place it simply does not feel safe to share. I always worry and always have worried that...
  5. Sugar

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    It was the pioneer woman's one on the site this week. Just a wee bit more sauce since hers looked a little dry to me. And moving forward I wouldn't use more oyster sauce...it was on the sweet side and I was hoping for savory. Recipe
  6. Sugar

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Homemade mac n cheese with ham bits and a cracker crumb crust and sauteed zucchini.
  7. Sugar

    Secret Snowflake: A Poll

    I think that some of the concerns last year were alleviated when Donna took over. While I personally have no problem with you Misty...I think many who had issues may be reluctant to participate with you in charge again. Plus it didn't seem like anyone else got the chance to offer their...
  8. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    *tries to refrain from singing fat kato in a little coat...*
  9. Sugar

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    That is so awesome to hear. I hope you get lots of rest and feel better very soon!!
  10. Sugar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    *tears up* Why must you be so gross?!?!:(
  11. Sugar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    What is it to "fold a towel"? :confused:
  12. Sugar

    Rambling confusion .. sorry, long

    This was brought up in chat this afternoon. Apparently it's for SSBBW's that are well known. So it sounds pretty selective...hopefully it's available to anyone that can use it.
  13. Sugar

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    Thanks...I just love that her recipes turn out the way you expect. I remember one of the first books I got was a Martha Stewart book and not one thing I tried out of 10 different recipes turned out. I wanted to give Martha a what's for with that book lol.
  14. Sugar

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    Thanks! I got it from The Pioneer Woman...and I just made it saucier... Jaden’s Chinese Beef Broccoli (from The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook) SERVES 4 AS PART OF MULTICOURSE MEAL 1 lb (500 g) top sirloin or flank steak, thinly sliced into 1/8-in (3-mm)-thick strips 11/2 lbs (750 g)...
  15. Sugar

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    Homemade broccoli beef.
  16. Sugar

    November Iron Foodee Challenge

    I'd still like to see your recipe Pamela, if you're willing to share it! :eat1:
  17. Sugar

    Rambling confusion .. sorry, long

    You know flutter, when you first started posting someone asked you what you hope to gain out of dims. I didn't see a response that was positive, but I figured that in time you'd get your sea legs and figure out what you want from dims. Now it seems like what you want isn't something that...
  18. Sugar

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Thanks Vickie. It's been a tough road but its always helpful to know there are people who understand what chronic illness can do to your general mood and life plans.
  19. Sugar

    What Are You EATING right now?

    *Makes Cynth a batch of home made stove top pudding* I am enjoying fancy craft show salsa over cream cheese with crackers.