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  1. Sugar

    November Iron Foodee Challenge

    Six of one, half a dozen of the other...onions was said, you said that's a good idea. That's all I needed! :D Vicodin + Chat + Rainy & Sarah = :wubu:
  2. Sugar

    November Iron Foodee Challenge

    LOL how awesome! I was telling people in chat to go vote for you last night because I didn't want to win again since I had no idea what to pick. Then with the help of Rainyday we came up with onions...thank goodness she was in chat last night! :)
  3. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    Yes, I'll friend you!
  4. Sugar

    What did you buy today?

    Pics plz! :kiss2:
  5. Sugar

    Happy Birthday, Gypsy!!!

    Happy birthday!!! :)
  6. Sugar

    Birth control pill side effects

    There are commercials on here all the time about Yaz and Yasmine. I don't actually know the details but apparently there is a class action lawsuit about how sick they've made some women. Here is a link to a blog that talked about it. If there is another option maybe that would be best...
  7. Sugar

    I didn't know I was pregnant - on TLC

    At some point it'd be OK to widdle down these questions which clearly make people uncomfortable. Women for the most part do not want to discuss their junk with someone who may or may not use that information for sexual gratification. Please understand. If you're curious about fat women and...
  8. Sugar

    Where are the champions of the newly added forums?

    For crying out loud, y'all just had a baby. IMO you have nothing to be saying sorry for. ----------- Posing a question just to stir a pot that is already brimming with issues just seems like a big mind f*ck. There is plenty of involvement on these other boards. Will it be as much as...
  9. Sugar

    November Iron Foodee Challenge

    Yes!! :eat2:
  10. Sugar

    November Iron Foodee Challenge

    So Breakfast Foods seemed a bit narrow...so I'm going to open it up a bit. How about ONIONS! Everything from soup to appetizers to a main course. What dish does onion really bring alive for you??? 2006 Dec - Oranges 2007 Jan - Cream Cheese Feb - Soda pop Mar - Recipes...
  11. Sugar

    What did you buy today? Kitchen/Dining Edition

    A new garbage disposal...be jealous...be very jealous. It's standard builder's grade and will never see daylight for another 10 years.
  12. Sugar


    I do know where you are coming from Jayne. I've been diagnosed clinically depressed and I'm steroids for the RA which has made my mood one of tears and anger for the better part of three weeks. T You may want to check out this thread. There is a bunch of support on dims if you know...
  13. Sugar

    Video of marriage proposal at a BBW party

    I love love! Congrats and best wishes!!
  14. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    I'm out of rep and you made me spit water all over. :happy:
  15. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    Yes, we owe Fasc a huge thank you...and hopefully at some point someone will step in and stop the insanity of non-bbw's telling people what's what. :confused:
  16. Sugar

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Now that's a party I want to go to! You both look beautiful! You guys are adorable!
  17. Sugar

    If You Were A Cookie What Kind Would You Be?

    Definitely a buttery shortbread!