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  1. Sugar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm trying to get back on a "normal" sleep schedule and it's not working at all.
  2. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    In the morning...when I'm fresh and she's sleeping. Come over and we'll see what we can do. BTW I'm glad to see you back online after your hospital visit! :)
  3. Sugar

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    So pretty! I'm glad you guys had some nice weather before the monsoon.
  4. Sugar

    My Halloween Joy and Sadness

    I think it's really great you're going to open your home for this party. There is no guideline or time line on grief. If this is the right time then it's the right time. I think everyone who's had such a profound loss would be served well by taking this lesson. When you're ready do...
  5. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dearest Flutterby, I was joking with Traci Jo. I have no notions about your relationship with your husband or the relationship with your friend and his wife. I am genuinely happy that you have found an internet friend to share your geekdom with. May the force be with you guys. Sincerely...
  6. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    I was simply replying to Mack. No comment on people existing or their right to exist. Either way any partner talking to a date that way without clearing it first is a big red flag and it seems we all agreed on that point. :)
  7. Sugar

    Planning to watch TLC 2nite?

    Zero interest in TLC's programming. They in my mind are no better than Weekly World News. When they show footage of fat people why do they need a close up of their mouth as they eat? That alone is enough for me to say that they exploit people for ratings and could careless about educating...
  8. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    I have mighty fists of reason. I hope your insurance is good because I'm not paying for your lippy antics. I sure do love you. I hope we can start a compound somewhere in Montana ala Waco ala Jonestown. A real love utopia. :wubu::wubu:
  9. Sugar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Hell I talk to her in chat every night and I've always been and old tub of smart balance that J bought on accident. Who are we kidding? *heads to the sad thread:
  10. Sugar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I love you long time. I was just trying to get rid of this stalker named Mermaid girl or something. You know you are my only one until Mossy gets out of jail. :wubu::wubu: You are my jar of bacon grease. :batting:
  11. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    I have a huge penis. I'm a charter member of LPSG.org and I had to become a CPA so I could afford my special banana hammock. All of this is besides the point. You know you want me...so when are you going to cook me dinner? I'd love to be married to you. :batting: Since we're already...
  12. Sugar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that my 1500th post was pure crap. See
  13. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Traci & Merperson, How the hell did I get pushed out of this love fest. FTR I'm very attractive and rich and I will only call you a fat tub of lard when I really really mean it. That's the Dog's honest truth! Love, Chester McCrackinly Esq, MD, DDS, CPA
  14. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    You know darn well that people do NOT lie about their situations and actions of their spouse online. ;)
  15. Sugar

    Fat tub of lard... a compliment

    Or maybe they understand that talk like that is best kept between partners that have discussed it and both want and enjoy it? Not everyone feels that flying some sort of freak flag in public is called for...it's OK to keep somethings private.
  16. Sugar

    Knee-High Boots

    Hey lady... I found these on Torrid. I have a 20" calf too but my shoe size is an 8...so it's been a real search for me. According to the site though a size 12 has a 21" calf measurement. I couldn't get a bigger picture. :mad: Torrid Boots
  17. Sugar

    Calorie/nutrition info in restaurants

    I think that the implication that information such as fat & calorie contents is useless is just PR spin. The majority of casual dining restaurants have fat & calorie counts double that of fast food. For me personally I can tell a huge difference when I don't eat out. I haven't eaten out...
  18. Sugar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Little Dog That I Love So Much, I don't know what it is about snow storms, but your constant single yelps ALL NIGHT are going to earn you a one way ticket to outside. OK we both know that's not true, but could you please stop barking randomly? You woke me up no less than 6 times...
  19. Sugar

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Your honeybun looks like Vin Diesel only with bigger guns and you two look great together! :)
  20. Sugar

    Windows 7 (burger patty) whopper in Japan

    This is exactly why I could never be a feeder...I hate watching people eat lol. That was the grossest burger ever. *insert puke face*