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  1. BigCutieMargot

    Happy Birthday BMann

    happy birthday, hope it was awesome! :D
  2. BigCutieMargot

    Happiness is...

    staying in bed, not checking emails, lots of delish italian food coming my way... :wubu:
  3. BigCutieMargot

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    biscuits & gravy in portland, or! :kiss2:
  4. BigCutieMargot

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    guantanamo baywatch - boomeranga.. got to see these dudes over the weekend, so fun ;)
  5. BigCutieMargot

    What are you doing right NOW?

    about to catch up on hannibal!
  6. BigCutieMargot

    My Mad Fat Diary

    i just ordered the original book, by rae earl! i can't wait to read it! ps- i think tonight is the season finale :(
  7. BigCutieMargot

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    ty segall - sleeper
  8. BigCutieMargot

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    oasis - "columbia"... in a big ole 90s mood after watching my mad fat diary :D
  9. BigCutieMargot

    The show your face/introduction thread

    i still wear glasses sometimes!
  10. BigCutieMargot

    The show your face/introduction thread

    lmao :p don't even get me started... luckily, only another month left here! woo woo
  11. BigCutieMargot

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    it is 23 degrees (F) here & my lovely building will not put the heat on :( trying to take a shower just now was legitimately painful as it's so cold in here... hardwood floors too.
  12. BigCutieMargot

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    were they as amazing as they look?! :smitten: i spy a red velvet... yum!
  13. BigCutieMargot

    The show your face/introduction thread

    hi future neighbors! i'm relocating to pittsburgh in may, and i can't wait! i'm already in love :wubu: such a friendly, small city.. lots of good, decently priced restaurants, too!
  14. BigCutieMargot

    What Are You EATING right now?

    delish spicy massaman curry & sticky rice on it's way to me on this icy night :smitten:
  15. BigCutieMargot

    The show your face/introduction thread

    LOL... thanks! yes, i've traded in the glasses for contacts, but i'm still pretty goofy :doh:
  16. BigCutieMargot

    My Mad Fat Diary

    you gotta catch up! :) i think if you stream it on the channel four site, you can watch it a week ahead of everyone else. ACTUALLY, here is a great link everyone can use to watch it: http://happpily.tumblr.com/post/73779352546/my-mad-fat-diary-a-masterpost-set-in-stamford this person updates...
  17. BigCutieMargot

    What did you buy today?

    omg! love love LOVE domino dollhouse. that dress is SO cute & i love how the model is styled. :smitten: now i wanna get off my butt & play dress up.
  18. BigCutieMargot

    What makes you feel sexy?

    double false lashes over a smoky eye & nude lips, softly curled hair, and skin-tight high waisted skinny jeans to show off my wide hips & big ole booty:p
  19. BigCutieMargot

    What are you doing right NOW?

    cuddled up with my cat :wubu:, catching up on rupaul's drag race!
  20. BigCutieMargot

    My Mad Fat Diary

    this thread is a little old... so sorry to bump it. but, i think this show should be required viewing. it's amazing, and so unlike anything else out there. the way Rae is portrayed is so relatable for anyone struggling with body image issues & insecurities. as much as we may or may not love...