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  1. Madeline Maple

    BBW Reality Check - By Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG)

    SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG - A woman clashes with her family, finds love, and lives her life in search of happiness. REALITY CHECK By Madeline Maple A short story in 14 chapters and an epilogue CHAPTER 1 Franny June 1, 2002 It was just barely noon and Franny was already pleased with the...
  2. Madeline Maple

    BHM Joel's Revelation: a Tale in 10 Parts - by ffaboots (~BHM, ~FFA, ~XWG, ~Sex)

    What a great story, ffaboots. Two things I liked best. First, the fact that you expertly represented the often silent hopes that a partner would gain. Second, the wonderful flow to part 8 where the wife is delightfully in love. Well done! -MM
  3. Madeline Maple

    I Dreamed of Banquets – by Madeline Maple (~SSBBW, ~XWG, feeding, imagery)

    Thank you for the kind responses. I feel lucky to be a part of such a supportive community. -MM
  4. Madeline Maple

    I Dreamed of Banquets – by Madeline Maple (~SSBBW, ~XWG, feeding, imagery)

    I Dreamed of Banquets – by Madeline Maple (~SSBBW, ~XWG, feeding, imagery) A short story about a woman thinking about her body and her past. What if I met Johnny first? I don't always ask a question like that, but tonight I do. I lay on the bed gently touching the tops of my hips. My...
  5. Madeline Maple

    Stages of Love - by tacofive (~BBW, ~XWG, Feeding)

    What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing.:)
  6. Madeline Maple

    Trouble with Truffles – by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG)

    Thank you to everyone who read this story. Writing is a solitary activity, but I never feel alone when I post to Dimensions, so a special thank you goes out to those who posted positive feedback. It means a lot. And thanks to Perry White and Wilson B for editorial assistance! MM
  7. Madeline Maple

    Trouble with Truffles – by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 6 Calling out from the back of the minivan Ester had to raise her voice to be heard by Julie in the driver’s seat, “Thanks for taking out one of the seats.” “It’s no problem,” Julie replied. “It was easy. Are you okay back there?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” answered Ester. “Where...
  8. Madeline Maple

    Trouble with Truffles – by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 4 The late summer sun shone through the kitchen window as Ester hurried to answer the phone as fast as her frame would allow. “Hello,” she said, trying to hide being so out of breath. “Hey, Ester!” the voice on the other end answered excitedly. “Julie! It’s you! Are you and...
  9. Madeline Maple

    Trouble with Truffles – by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG)

    CHAPTER 2 That night, Harry and Ester were getting ready for bed. Harry was lying down, watching his wife slip into her satin nightgown. He watched as she raised her slightly chubby arms as she worked the nightgown past her arms and head. It glided past her two small rolls of fat on her...
  10. Madeline Maple

    The Beloa - By Irish Bard (~BBW, ~XWG, Aliens)

    Good work, Irish Bard. Keep it up.
  11. Madeline Maple

    Trouble with Truffles – by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG)

    SSBBW, Feeding, Imagery, ~XWG – A woman runs into trouble by eating some exotic truffles. TROUBLE WITH TRUFFLES By Madeline Maple A short story in 6 chapters and an epilogue. CHAPTER 1 “I thought it was our turn to pick the restaurant?” Ester said to her husband. “I...
  12. Madeline Maple

    The New Normal (~BHM, Mutual, ~MWG, Romance)

    Thank you for this lovely little story.
  13. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    I just want to say thank you to the people who read my story and to those who posted such wonderful feedback. I so enjoyed writing it and sharing with you all. And thanks to Conrad and the Observer for creating a safe place where fat fiction writing can be nurtured and appreciated. And a big...
  14. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    CHAPTER 10 Jozef pulled his van to a stop in the semicircle driveway of Pretorious’s mansion. He exited the driver’s side and went around to slide open the side door, while Lidia went into the back of the van. Vicki had been lying on the floor of the van for the trip to Pretorious. She...
  15. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    CHAPTER 8 The next morning, Vicki awoke to hear Lidia come through the front door and yell hello as she heard the rustling of grocery bags. “I bring cake and pierogi from party!” she called out. Vicki was still sitting in a dream-like haze, still having lovely thoughts of Jozef...
  16. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    CHAPTER 6 Finally it was the morning of the party. Lidia had the day off to help her sister Sophie, and it was time for Vicki to get ready for her first outing. To begin with, she needed to visit the bedroom and take a long, hard look at herself in the full-length mirror. She hadn’t...
  17. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    CHAPTER 4 Vicki looked over at the clock while sitting on the living room couch. She was going to be late for work, but she had to finish transferring her credit card debt to another card, or else she was going to get hit with major fees. Feeling very sick and tired of working so hard...
  18. Madeline Maple

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG - A young woman grows into a new family and a new lifestyle while under the patronage of an eccentric admirer. PATRONAGE AND PIEROGI By Madeline Maple A short story in 10 chapters and an epilogue. CHAPTER 1 Victoria Berger sat on her worn, faded...