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  1. F

    Conflicted about my gain

    Well, this has been a really interesting week. I've been constantly thinking about it. I've discovered that I don't like to binge. I tried it a couple of times and just felt icky and couldn't eat that much anyway even after trying. Being aware of how my extra few pounds feel is amazing...
  2. F

    Revenge/Secret weight gain Stories?

    There's a secret weight gain feeder story I've been trying to find for years. It was originally on one of the usenet groups...gosh, mid-90s I think. Feeder hero who moves in with his thin girlfriend. He starts slipping an anti-depressant (with weight gain/hunger as a side-effect) into her...
  3. F

    Stages of Love - by tacofive (~BBW, ~XWG, Feeding)

    Wow!! Great story! Well written, excellent description, great characters. I really liked how the "stages" framed the story. This one's a keeper.
  4. F

    Conflicted about my gain

    As an update...I have been thinking about this constantly since I posted. I weighed myself today for the first time in a long time. 168. That's the highest I've been since pregnant with #2 back in 2003. Thing is, it feels...good. And I'm so tempted to set a mini-goal and bump it up to 170...
  5. F

    Marriage Weight Gain

    I know this is an old thread...but I love it! (long time reader, seldom post, just explaining the low post count). I weighed myself today after a few years of not knowing...168...up from 135 a few years ago. It just crept up and I really really love the feeling. My used-to-be perfect fit...
  6. F

    Conflicted about my gain

    This is exactly why I have never acted on my desire to gain...for me, it's a fetish, in that I need to think about it to, well, "complete" if you know what I mean. In "real life", I prefer to be on the lighter side. But every once in a while, I gain a little from careless eating and that...
  7. F

    Why are you gaining weight?

    Thanks for that thoughtful post Ivy. So much there echos my own experience, down to the age you were when you realized there was a sexual aspect to gaining and that Guinness book. To answer the OP's question...I don't know. I really don't. For me, gaining is only a fantasy and not something...
  8. F

    Are you aroused/attracted to negative, painful, or disgusting aspects of size?

    This one's tough. The thing is, I have a fetish. I am only able to get aroused (the very definition of a fetish), by the idea of being fed up to an impossible weight. It's been around for decades, ever since I can remember. I don't want to do it in real life, and in fact, the one or two times...
  9. F

    what causes fetishism

    New here, but this hits the nail on the head. I've had a feedee fetish for, well, ever. Been confused by it, hated it, still ambivilent. I have no interest in doing it in real life (kudos to those who do), but it is a true fetish. I've always wondered about the origins of it...have some...