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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    Why are you gaining weight?

    Well, originally it wasn't for fun or on purpose. I was kicked from my parents house at a young age and stayed with my best friend now spouse. I was terribly depressed and found comfort in food, I use to actually be very skinny, but I didn't care about my looks, no self esteem will do that to...
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    Elephant Woman - Blonde Redhead N
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    name a musician and i'll tell you why they're horrible

    Charles Mingus Tom Waits Thelonious Monk Estradasphere Rachel's John Zorn Go for it maaaaaan... :happy:
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    I'm never changing it.
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    This Is The Single Bestest Thread There Has Evar Been!

    Thread now contains Charles Mingus, thus making it awesome.
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I finally finished a little Jazz piano piece I've been working on for ages. Loads of coffee can go a long way.
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    your limits?

    Probably. However, I don't quite think I'm clearing the required amount of activity for maintaining or losing weight. Though I'm not necessarily increasing the amount I eat, I have up and down days.
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Unagi, eel rolls, I ordered a bunch earlier because I love them, possibly my favorite sushi roll. :wubu:
  9. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening To? Reloaded :D

    Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus by Charles Mingus. I am absolutely OBSESSED with him right now! Not even joking when I say he's a genius composer on the level of Chopin, Liszt, and Mozart.
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    Secret Turn-ons

    If somebody is greatly artistic in any way, from dancing, music, singing, drawing, I'll usually be eerily attracted to that in a person. More than any other artistic medium a person can excel at; I'm fond of cooks, yeah, go figure. :rolleyes:
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    your limits?

    That's pretty much exactly how I feel. Besides it's like, if say, some magical day far beyond now I creep up to some supposed limit, like 400lbs or whatever. I just spent how long purposely gaining weight, changing around my ENTIRE lifestyle, and now I'm magically going to reverse years of...
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    What is it like to become fat?

    I'm sure everybody's experience will vary. It wasn't exactly enjoyable for me at first because initially my weight gain was caused by overeating during depression. It's just so gradual that I can't easily describe what it was like to go from rather slender to my weight now. I didn't quite...
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening To? Reloaded :D

    The album "Focus" by Cynic. I'm ttly methul gais.
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    Your avatar, for one. After last nights episode of Lost I was like, holy spaghetti O's, I must start watching this series over, I bet I'm missing cool plot points, so I went on ABC's website and just streamed most of season 1 all day. :happy:
  15. Sweet_Serenade


    Kidding! I just poke fun because it's sort of silly. At least I think so. :rolleyes: Foodee? Foodaholic? Overeater? You decide.
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    I gained 5 pounds over the weekend. How about you??

    IT'S WATCHING! :eek:
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    Happy Birthday MisticalMisty!!

    Happy Birthday! :happy: I gots you a caterpillar but it turned into a butterfly and flew away. :(
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Ahahah, oh wow.
  19. Sweet_Serenade

    I gained 5 pounds over the weekend. How about you??

    I saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico! Also, I probably put on some teensy amount of weight, I ate quite a bit over the weekend, though I don't sit back and pay attention to these things, obsessively weighing myself. I just hop on my scale every month or so to see if...
  20. Sweet_Serenade


    I'm actually not single but I don't know if my partner qualifies as a feeder, maybe I'm thinking too literally. I'm frightened and confused by the terminology,