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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    This! It's been so frigid lately, so today was a very nice change of pace. Took a lovely walk.
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    Silly Music Questionnaire

    Oh, this should be fun. (1.) The CD you last bought? Systems/Layers by Rachel's. Brilliant album, by the way. (2.) Name 5 songs that you often sing to or that mean a lot to you: Whistle Down The Wind by Tom Waits Spider and I by Brian Eno I'm Alive by Emily Loizeau You Set...
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    Bisexuality. Your Thoughts?

    I suppose that's entirely possible as well. haha
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    Bisexuality. Your Thoughts?

    I appreciate your honesty, Bexy. I always sort of wished I was bisexual, it might have made my teenage years a lot less confusing. I mean, at least being attracted to both genders makes you feel half normal... I guess. I've just always thought that it might've been slightly less stressful...
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    Reintroduce yourselves!

    Uh, sure, I'll bite. I haven't visited here in a while. (Happy this section was added by the way.) Age: 24 Location: New Jersey Gender: Female Orientation: Homosexual Interests: Music, playing music (piano), movies, arts of pretty much any kind, dancing, Writing, learning to cook, and...
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    Riot Grrrl Bands

    You know, it's weird.... Sleater-Kinney is seriously one of my all-time favorite groups but I've never gotten around to really checking out anything else similar. I don't know why, but I'm definitely going to jot down some names from this thread.
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    Weight Board Confessional

    Oh wow, best of luck with your problems, dear. Welcome to these lovely boards. Confession for moi, I had no clue how big my appetite was getting for a while there. I took a day and decided to stop my compulsive eating to see how much it bothered me and my hunger was just horrible, without me...
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    What is your highest adult weight?

    I've been cutting back a bit on my eating and trying to get my appetite a tad under control, I peaked at 288lbs though.
  9. Sweet_Serenade

    What is for breakfast today?!

    Pancakes, breakfast sausage toast with PB&J, and some milk. Rather typical breakfast but I adore that sorta food way too much to tire of it.
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    Dumb/feel real Dream

    Jah, my dreams play tricks on me like that, sometimes when I'm going about my day I'll apologize for something I said ion a dream or something similar. The worst is these asinine recurring dreams I get where I'll get out of bed, walk over to the bathroom and turn on the lights only to...
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening To? Reloaded :D

    The album "Bright Blue Dream" by {{{Sunset}}}. MARVELOUS album!
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    LOST: Season Five **warning - SPOILERS!!**

    I really dug last nights episode. Right now I'm just very curious as to just why the Oceanic 6 have to return, what is it they're exactly going to do there? I know it was mentioned numerous times that it involves saving the rest of the people on the island, but somehow I doubt that's it...
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I'm off again today, but mostly I'm really happy because I have a mountain of new music I'm getting into and it's all incredible!
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    What are you reading?

    The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler, I've read it numerous times but I always drift back. Not entirely sure why, but I love this novel to pieces.
  15. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    It has been a long while! I dunno, I guess I just don't use my computer as much these days. Can't say if I'll be back regularly, but it's always nice to stop by here.
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Chicken Parmesan over rigatoni, garlic bread, and a salad.
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    Holy Chinese Food!

    That! I get it like 9/10 times I get Chinese food, never gets old! Occasionally, I go to a Chinese buffet and get some stuff I don't really know the name of, but it's all delicious. I've never had any Chinese food I didn't like.
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    Do you let her out? If so, then maybe. So far my kitty friend (code named Sylvester) has yet to start gaining weight from what I can tell. I'm just sad that we're moving next month, so the cat will expect food but it wont be there. :(
  19. Sweet_Serenade

    The thread for random single confessions Part buttered rolls

    IC that I'm spoiling somebodies cat! One day about two months ago I walk out on our deck and I see a friendly black and white cat with a collar and all hiding under our grill's tarp. So, I get some left over chicken, put it in a bowl and watch as the cat eats it up. Not too long after the cat...
  20. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Girl scout cookies, I bought like six boxes not too long ago. The lemonades are amazing.