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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    Forum Game: Slap it or Save it! Part II

    Saved in my entire! But slapped if you mean't today because I took a bath. TNP loves caffeine.
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    The writing mood struck me today and I've been working on a nice Jazz piece that's going well. I hadn't had inspiration to write in a while too.
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

    Sadly, I lack any folding chair related incidents. But one stand out embarrassing moment for was, when a good friend of mine and myself made a little duet band and got to play some local gigs, I was so nervous.The first three times went perfectly fine, just some butterflies. But on the...
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    Once again fat people do not get good sex

    Wow, oh the smoke and mirrors of marketing, it's practically mind boggling. No, I would not say there is a direct correlation between obesity and depression, obese people are only more likely to be depressed because society makes it that way. They market a standard, and condemn everything...
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Dear Regina Spektor Release a rarities album with all of your apparently professionally recorded yet unreleased material. I'm sick of searching the four corners of the internet to get my Man of A Thousand Faces and Hero of The Story fix like a musical junkie. Sincerely, ~Chloe
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    The album "Souvenirs" by The Gathering. I love this group so much it's disgusting. I really hope they find a great vocalist to replace Anneke.
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    What are your fave semi-obscure albums?

    Haha Yeah, I've heard from more than a few people that Slint's members have a bit of a high horse mentality. Still, very innovative album, I dig it a ton.
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    Thanks, I love Fiona Apple! I think When The Pawn might be my favorite by her. Right now I'm listening to the album "The Shape of Jazz To Come" by Ornette Coleman.
  9. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    Idiocracy by Pain of Salvation Y
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    Too fat for Wii Fit! GRRRRRRRRRR!

    I'm so sorry to hear that, Bexy! :( At least you got to sell it. Still, that makes me go all kinds of rage, we should travel to Nintendo's headquarters and like knock over trash cans and hit things with baseball bats, whilst grrrring at the top of our lungs, naturally. I sorta saw that...
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    McDonald's Southern style chicken sandwich

    <3 That's my sandwich! I don't know if it depends on where you live, but here it comes with lettuce, mayo, tomato, swiss, chicken and bacon. I order it with either extra mayo or sometimes no mayo and request a packet of that sweet and sour dipping sauce, that right there is all kinds of yum...
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    Many Funerals by Eisley S
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    Forum Game: Slap it or Save it! Part II

    Saved! After I'm finished listening to this album I'm going to take a stroll around the park, and maybe get some coffee. TNP is going to watch Lost tonight
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    What are your fave semi-obscure albums?

    Most of the music I enjoy might be considered obscure to most people, but here it goes; Naked City by John Zorn 11:11 by Regina Spektor Kurr by Amiina Remedy Lane by Pain of Salvation The Woods by Sleater-Kinney The Dark Third by Pure Reason Revolution Birds of My...
  15. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Dunkin Donuts, I picked up a random dozen so I'm not suire what some of them are called. I'm eating one with lemon filling right now though! :wubu:
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    How d'ya take ya coffee?

    Sugar and milk! Or just a whole lot of either French Vanilla or Irish Wawa creamer.
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    Elephant Talk by King Crimson K
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    The album "When The Pawn..." by Fiona Apple.
  19. Sweet_Serenade

    Embarassed When Others Notice Your New Fat?

    Yeah, I agree. There's something, I don't know, fun about seeing and hearing peoples reactions to myself gaining weight. It's like that rush of making out with your crush in highschool in your room before your parents get home. There's an aspect of gaining that makes me feel like a kid again...
  20. Sweet_Serenade

    How much weight does everyone want to gain in 2008?

    I don't have a set goal in mind, I just eat a lot, and subsequently I gain weight. I'll probably end up putting on somewhere between 40-60lbs. It depends I guess.