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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    Just for fun, show us your bedroom!

    Our apartment isn't really lovely, but we make do. :/ ^That was my idea haha
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 1

    My spouse bought GTA4 the day it came out, so we play that back and forth. Though, my game save is mostly spent going to the bar to play that puzzle game. Cubed I think. It's like, the game is this huge open world, so much to do, cutting edge gameplay, and I make a B-line for a Tetris knock...
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    put yer glasses on, it's the indie rock thread!

    I admit, I am a total nerd for the Indie Rock stuff. Digging Death Cab's new album, Grapevine Fires is <3 Last year was a wonderful year for Indie music and I'm hoping this year will be as well.
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I'm off of work today, getting a lot of great new music, so today I shall relax and listen! :bow: Also, Lost is on tonight!
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    Stupid crap you can't believe you just figured out

    Wednesday is not pronounced wendsday. Do not use the microwave and toaster oven through the same outlet at the same time, the circuit will asplode.
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    What do you like about someone?

    Cold_Comfort and Chimpi for having really awesome music taste. Bexy for having really awesome hair.
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    The album "The Magnificent Tree" by Hooverphonic.
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    being watched and the feelings that come with it

    Not stupid at all, we all have our ups and downs, don't feel bad. Not identical to your situation, but over the Summer I played music gigs with a friend. I'm mostly horribly shy, I can't stand the thought of going out into a crowd speaking, let alone playing, which is easily my most intimate...
  9. Sweet_Serenade

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    Work is slowly driving me crazy. That pretty much sums up my life right now, roll credits. The job itself is totally doable, but some of the customers and even a few employees just bother the bejesus out of me. And it even ends up annoying me when I'm off, like today. I shouldn't let stuff...
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    So, what is beauty?

    Well, firstly, it is completely subjective and certainly does not exist outside of the human mind and our individual ideas of what it is. Secondly, for how to describe just what it is, something extremely pleasant to a sense. What is pleasant to a sense varies by person, but something just...
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    What do you most want to learn to do??

    I would love to learn to play the saxophone, bass, cello, and marimba. Also, the continuum fingerboard. Oh yeah, and learn to become a really good cook.
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 1

    ^I have a stuffed gizmo! I love that little bugger Bridge to Terabithia, I didn't really expect much out of it, but was pleasantly surprised, nice little film 7/10.
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    Happy Birthday, TCUBOB!

    Happy birthday! Best wishes and all that jazz!
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    Happy Birthday LisaInNC

    Happy birthdayness! Have a lovely day.
  15. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part III

    Apartment Story by The National Y
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    The re-introduce yourself thread

    I've only been here for like 3 months, so, this might be a bit silly. But I'm bored. Name: Chloe Lives in: Oaklyn, New Jersey From: The great 'ol land of France, Rouen to be exact. Emigrated here with the family when I was only five. I don't remember much of my homeland from when I was...
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    How do you feel about your stomach? Do you wear long blouses to cover it up?

    I don't have a huge belly or anything, but regardless it's probably my most selfconscious area. I never let it show in public, always cover up. But around the house I feel way more comfortable so I'll wear something that has my belly hanging out. I've gotten far more confident in how I look...
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    Is High School always so bad for fat people? It always seems that way on TV

    Well, it really just depends on the crowd. Someone overweight wont always get bullied, that's not a given or anything, it depends entirely on how mature the students are. For me, highschool was pretty horrible. I was skinny as a rail back then but not made fun of for that either. I was...
  19. Sweet_Serenade

    How much weight has everyone gained this year (so far)?

    The grand total is now 54lbs. Hurray for holidays! :eat1: