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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You EATING right now?

    A couple of those Little Debbie Shortcake Roll things. I never get tired of them, so delicious.
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    Happy Birthday Sasha!!!

    Happy birthday, gorgeous! Nice time of year to have a birthday!
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    Random youtube songs for once, instead of an album. Right now Apres Moi by Regina Spektor.
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    The "un-made-up" picture thread - for Fuzzy. :)

    Wow, Bexy! :wubu: You look totally adorable in that picture. love that flower in your hair! I've always thought freckles were super cute. And I love your tattoos. Any special meaning to them? And you look lovely as well Sweet! <3 And, well, everyone else too! :blush:
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    <3 Thank you! You're too sweet, really. I'm happy there's a couple huge music fans here and there on this board. I'm happy you like my taste as well! (What you've heard of it anyway, not to sound nausiatingly pretentious, but I do have a very ecclectic taste in music, so you may not like...
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    What was your e-connection?

    After starting to post here I've noticed when I hop on AIM bajillions of anonymous people start contacting me. Now, most of the time I'll only speak to people via AIM, that I know from a forum, and I know aren't complete creeps. And oh baby, every other random IMer I get rates pretty high on...
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    Who Was The Biggest Impact on Your Road To Self Acceptance?

    A lot of it really came from within for me, to be honest. But otherwise, my spouse and friends, never once did any of them give any comments along the lines of letting myself go, or I should lose weight. Every step of the way they were consistantly optimistic about me and still complimented...
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 1

    12 Monkeys, which I saw once before ages ago and just saw again not too long ago. It was really good. 8/10
  9. Sweet_Serenade


    I'm a total walking romance cliche. Just being kissed on the lips, (good, as in, sensual, not attempting to eat me head first) kissed on the neck really gets me as well. Also, I'm very ticklish on a few parts of my body, touching any of my ticklish areas makes me completely melt. Not...
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part III

    Knights by Minus The Bear S
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    Egg Nog in Coffee instead of Cream: Anyone Tried It?

    That sounds really good, I'll have to give it a try! Coffee = <3 Eggnog = <333 So eggnoffee (c) must = <<3333 And that's so much <3 I fear I may die if I drink it.
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    What song is STUCK in your head?

    Evil by Ladytron. Curse you freakishly catchy electronica! *shakes fist*
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    Thank you! :happy: I'm glad you find my comments on the mark, I'm ever worried that things I say tend to be super convoluted or awkward. I'm happy to know I make more sense than I think I do. haha
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    Yummy Yummy Yummy, My New Love for My Tummy- The Apple-shaped Thread

    I got the same thing. As for my belly, I like it. Given the way my weight has spiked and dipped it sort of protruded outward for a while, and it was more tight, then after I lost weight it got very soft but more flattened and a bit droopy. Now bigger than I've ever been, it's somewhere in...
  15. Sweet_Serenade

    Wider or bellier?

    Well, thanks. I'm glad there's some hip fans around. Yay for people that like curves.
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    FA guilt

    You shouldn't feel guilty just because you like yourself one way and like your partner another. Really, of course, it shouldn't matter what size anyone is ever, they should simply love themselves no matter how big or small they are, or how often they rollercoaster. Though I know you know this...
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    I don't know a super lot about many of you guys yet, but here it goes anyway; Cold Comfort; gorgeous and above all else, completely awesome taste in music. Bexy; gorgeous and just a really cool, good person. Plus, the hair. <3 Sasha; gorgeous and seems like a very funny, nice person...
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    things that will never get old.

    I fall over laughing everytime.
  19. Sweet_Serenade


    This sunday we're visiting my special someone's relatives, where, like every year, they'll have a tray of homemade cookies and fudge for us. So, not quite yet for me. But soon, and I cannot wait, it rocks knowing people with great cooking skills.
  20. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part III

    Nolita by Keren Ann A