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  1. Sweet_Serenade

    How does it feel to gain? Should I go for it?

    I really don't see a doctor as much as I probably should. No doctors I see know I'm trying to put on weight. I have an appointment in January though. Though recently the weight gain thing has been taking a backseet to work. So in all likelyhood I'm going to be a little lighter than I am now...
  2. Sweet_Serenade

    When does OLD start???

    Old is a state of mind. You can be youthful your whole life because it's really all about your perspective. If you let yourself feel old, and that bogs you down, you'll become old. Lose that kid inside of you and such. The fountain of youth is your train of thought, let yourself feel old and...
  3. Sweet_Serenade

    Favorite album covers thread!

    Some of my all time favorites; Might post more later, I have bunches.
  4. Sweet_Serenade

    Which singer/band are you obsessed with, and just how much are you obsessed!!?

    For the longest time I was completely obsessed with them as well, I have all of their songs completely memorized, own all of their material etc. Then it was Regina Spektor, then Pain of Salvation, then Porcupine Tree... Now I'm onto The Gathering. I am just completely obsessed with the band...
  5. Sweet_Serenade

    The video game music thread

    That game was completely magnificent! I loved it. And yes, the score was unbelievable. I'm a huge fan of Akira Yamaoka, who does the music for the Silent Hill series, I think he has an amazing ability to create soundscapes that capture the correct mood. Some samples...
  6. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    "1. Spend the extra money on GOOD shoes and quality socks. Your feet will thank you. Don't try to make them last forever. Once the cushion inside is trashed, get another good pair." Very good idea, it's something that didn't occur to me before working that I wish I would've thought of. That's...
  7. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    *double big hug back* Thanks guys. I know I'll get better, I just freaked out today a bit. I'll get the hang of it. Now at least I know what I'm going into tomorrow, that makes me feel better.
  8. Sweet_Serenade

    How does it feel to gain? Should I go for it?

    Stay conscious about health. Gaining weight on purpose could get to be something of a slippery slope really quickly. Just stay smart about it and you should be fine.
  9. Sweet_Serenade

    any of you guys listen to deathcore

    I only go so extreme with Metal. I enjoy some with the growling/screaming vocals. I'm a huge Progressive Metal fan, but I do like some of the more heavy stuff. Ensiferum, Wintersun, Opeth, Haggard, Epica, and others. I do like me some Metal, it's such a broad genre with lots of great talent...
  10. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    Out a little early because a lot of help was there and I wasn't really necessary. At least the place is in ok walking distance of our apartment. I was basically just in training today, I followed other waitresses around and took notes. Even more complicated than I thought it would be nut I...
  11. Sweet_Serenade

    How does it feel to gain? Should I go for it?

    This seems up my alley. Given that I use to be skinny, even up into my late teens and I just put on a lot of weight. Though it wasn't intentional at first for me. Overeating was a symptom of a terrible depression I went through. Now I'm perfectly fine though, just gaining weight for fun...
  12. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    Thanks peoples. Suddenly, I don't feel so bad about my circumstances after what Lilly described. Yikes. I sincerely hope I don't have to deal with any creeps.
  13. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    Very good advice. I know initially I'll struggle with being polite all of the time, given some of the horror stories I've heard from an ex-waitress friend of mine, and that place didn't even serve alcohol. I'll just try my best to think before I speak and be patient with disrespectful people...
  14. Sweet_Serenade

    Name a song from the last letter, part III

    Gravity Eyelids by Porcupine Tree S
  15. Sweet_Serenade

    Try Gizoogle now!

    Am I a bad person for immediately translating that extreme explicit fantasy thread in the erotic weight gain section, then practically dying of laughter as I read it?
  16. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    Thank you for the advice! Don't worry, I'll do my best to be nothing but pleasant, I really have to keep this job to the best of my ability and hopefully move up eventually. I don't know quite what to expect, I'm very shakey. Haven't been this nervous in ages, honestly. I won't be serving...
  17. Sweet_Serenade

    Tin Man on SciFi network

    Thank you so much for reminding me! I knew there was something I wanted to watch tonight. That's a "yes" by the way. :p
  18. Sweet_Serenade

    Have you ever kept a diary?

    Yes, when I was in highschool I kept a diary. It was fun while it lasted, I liked writing down everything I thought, it was relieving in a way. Like I was telling someone my secrets without actually telling people. I guess that's a good way to describe how I felt about it. Overtime I just...
  19. Sweet_Serenade

    So, tomorrow is my first day working...

    ...ever. Unless you count the occasional music gig. I haven't been on any sort of scheduled task since I was 17 in highschool. (Keeping in mind I'm 22 now, going on 23.) So, I'm freaking out a little bit. For anyone curious, I'm just going to be a waitress at a local restaurant/bar. Not...
  20. Sweet_Serenade

    Now I'm Craving...(the craving continuation thread)

    I have the biggest craving in the world for a good smoothie right now.