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  1. eightyseven

    Quiet dignity and rights

    What? I feel like the first rules of activism (actual activism, not your crazed and overused misinterpretation of the term) are to both LISTEN to others and also MAKE SENSE in your own statements. You might want to go ahead and, you know, learn those strategies before opening your mouth or...
  2. eightyseven

    Quiet dignity and rights

    PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH PREACH... Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you were beating a dead horse. Please, do continue. I'm sure the groups of people you've mentioned in your glorious examples love being called "outcasts" too. Nice touch.
  3. eightyseven


    I have the issue of being a social introvert. Many times I've been told that I am easy to talk to and have a natural ability to engage others. I enjoy the company of others and doing public activities, but the moments where I learn things about myself and really feel I thrive are when I'm...
  4. eightyseven

    Recent Picture of You - Part IV :D

    I haven't posted in a while... so here's a new photo of me just goofing around in between my afternoon and evening work hours :)
  5. eightyseven

    Why I don't frequent Facebook

    I'm sorry that happened to you... but in the future, just use the privacy features Facebook has. It distinguishes itself from MySpace in that way. Only my "friends" can see my photos, and only "friends" and people in my university network can see my information, classes, and such beyond my...
  6. eightyseven

    Would your life have been different if--

    It's never right to promote a specific type of body as being more beautiful than another... it's the reason that sh*tty stereotypes (like those about fat people) are able to exist and remain in our society. The message in this story, Russell, makes the author (oh... that's you) seem just as...
  7. eightyseven

    Size and Coupling...

    This makes a great deal of sense to me, actually. I wish I didn't believe the second theory, but the truth is that I know too many lovely gals whose lack of confidence would drive them to be that self-conscious... even if they won't explicitly admit it. Naughty? I don't see it at all...
  8. eightyseven

    Size and Coupling...

    I wholeheartedly agree... the idea of two fat people being together because they're "settling" seems like what our thin and "health" obsessed society would like everyone to believe. It assumes that fat people are inferior and have less social value. This is, of course, complete bullsh*t.
  9. eightyseven

    Size and Coupling...

    This week was my town's annual art fair... it draws a large regional crowd and the streets are absolutely packed all day. Walking around, I was both happy to see plenty of stunning BBW out and about, many of whom were paired with some lucky gentlemen. Now, what struck me as interesting was the...
  10. eightyseven

    Your Favorite Rep Comments

    My two recent favorite reps have to be... "I think I love you for this." AND "I like it when ya gets FIESTY!"
  11. eightyseven

    Monique's Fat Chance

    I love reading the comments to find the few that are supportive and uplifting. I just ignore the rest because they're a product of a society that narrow and unrealistic standards for beauty. Of course this is art! People just aren't used to a canvas of this size. It scares them that all fat...
  12. eightyseven

    "Overweight Kids face Widespread Stigma" - AP

    Here's an article from the AP that I noticed that happened to bring up a particularly good point about the reality of being fat in our society and how it's approached - there's too many groups trying to STOP obesity (particularly in children) and not enough groups to SUPPORT those who are fat...
  13. eightyseven

    Daily Christian fat activism?

    I just don't see the connection between the video and commenting about fat people. Then again, I never get Russell... ever.
  14. eightyseven

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    GOOFYFACE! :wubu:
  15. eightyseven

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    Blech. I looked. I just go with that at least when I spell my state (whichever one I'm claiming residence in that day... sometimes it's Maryland so please don't tell me you're a Duke grad or I might just explode) I don't need 105,000 other people to help me out with it :p It's okay...
  16. eightyseven

    When friends just get it...

    Sadly not, good sir. I was in the middle of a conversation anyway and she was on a cell phone. No big deal.
  17. eightyseven

    When friends just get it...

    JB... this is why you are the man. I couldn't agree more, especially with that last sentence.
  18. eightyseven

    When friends just get it...

    So I was sitting at the bus stop today with my female friend, when a really pretty big girl came walking up the street near where we were. I kept on glancing over at her, and made a comment to my friend about how I thought that tongue piercings were for the most part sexy since the girl I was...
  19. eightyseven

    Giada on Food TV

    Giada has that adorable thing going for her... you know, the kind of demeanor that would make her a lovely elementary school teacher. My only gripe is how she speaks the entire time in her bland American accent and then goes and inserts words like "pancetta" that she HAS to pronounce the proper...
  20. eightyseven

    Daily medical activism

    Agreed. Always with the damn chairs. Now if only we could contain him to that :doh: