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  1. eightyseven

    How I have sometimes tried to talk to women who hate their bodies

    Russell Williams... a legend in his own mind. Note the THIRTEEN self-references in the OP. I'm finally glad to see that others are noticing this. Sorry to break it to you Russell, but your "activism" is ridiculous, ineffective, sometimes hurtful (as in this instance you've posted on) and...
  2. eightyseven

    Moving to Michigan!

    Michigan! I'm here! Though my home will always be in Maryland, I've adopted the wolverine state for four years (two more to go) before I move on to somewhere else. Ya'll are so friendly, and of course... it's damn great to be a Michigan Wolverine :D Good luck with the move to the West...
  3. eightyseven

    Things you hate waiting for...

    I hate waiting for myself to come around on the idea that maybe if I have a crush on a girl, I should do something about it. Also... waking up before your alarm and waiting in bed for it to go off is terrible. You feel like you have time to get more sleep but you just can't and there's no...
  4. eightyseven

    weight gain pills?

    I would just have someone cook you anything from Paula Deen's show on Food Network... fried butter on top of fried dough with more butter then fried again and - you get the picture :D Good luck in your endeavors, Kenzie.
  5. eightyseven

    Best ROCK* song of the 1980s

    I was born in the 80's, though on a whole I wouldn't say I'm too proud of the music produced in that decade. The best songs I can think of that come to mind are: "Radio Free Europe" and "Driver 8" - REM "Sultans of Swing" - Dire Straits "Angel is the Centerfold" - J. Geils Band "Don't...
  6. eightyseven

    Toooooooooz!!! Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Tooz!!!
  7. eightyseven

    Lowered Risks?

    This is true. When I had a routine tonsilectomy last month, the anesthesiologist told me of the risks before putting me under and went on to say how those increase because of my size and what not. It scared the living daylight out of me, and I was quite nervous before going into the operating...
  8. eightyseven

    Are fat women/men easier???

    I feel like our society that is entirely obsessed with being thin almost WANTS people to believe that fat women are "easier." That's because in this society, you're only SUPPOSED to have good self-esteem if you fit the beautiful/acceptable body type... and that's the sad reason behind many...
  9. eightyseven

    The 2007 Singles Thread

    I'm finding that there are days during which I feel more single than others. Those are days like today when I'm without plans, the weather is rotten, and I'm just sitting alone in my room trying to think of better ways to spend my time. I guess when you're not single, there always someone you...
  10. eightyseven

    "You Know You're Fat ...."

    You know you're fat when you know what the "truffle shuffle" is from personal experience!
  11. eightyseven

    Memorial Day Weekend Plans?

    Sigh... I'll be at my dorm doing nothing. Work is cancelled, clearly... so I might read. Most of my co-workers/people I live on the floor with are going home since they're all in-staters. Maybe I'll find something to do? Otherwise, I'm in the same boat as the lovely Miss Yankee.
  12. eightyseven

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    Hahahaha... ahyuk! :p Nice one, Wayne. I approve.
  13. eightyseven

    What do you study?

    Currently working on my BA in Sociology... as far as a profession is concerned, I'd ideally love to do counseling in some capacity be it counseling psychology, family therapy, social work, or anything else I have yet to think of. My big issue right now is figuring out what range of professional...
  14. eightyseven

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    That's because it is :D
  15. eightyseven

    Ladies, are you a cradle robber? Guys, enjoyed being robbed?

    Oh you guys... I probably should have given context for that comment. My bad. I meant that it's nice to know that my mother would never even think about chasing away someone I cared about with a bat or something. She's supportive, that's all.
  16. eightyseven

    Today is Caturday

    Nope... still don't get the humor in these.
  17. eightyseven

    Ladies, are you a cradle robber? Guys, enjoyed being robbed?

    So this thread not only makes me feel great about my age, but about my Mother as well!
  18. eightyseven

    dreaming about BBWs!

    When I dream, they're usually random people appearing in situations that could quite possibly happen in reality. I'm usually dreaming in the realms of fantasy unless it's a nightmare. So no, my dreams are not specifically about BBW... but a few have made exciting cameos at some choice moments...
  19. eightyseven

    Post Your Goofiest Pictures

    Here's a goofy one of me in Israel wearing some crazy mess of unmatching clothes and chowing down on some high-quality schwarma and pita. Can't you tell I'm excited?
  20. eightyseven

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    "Miracle Man" and "Sneaky Feelings" - Elvis Costello