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  1. eightyseven

    Dims no-go areas?

    I'm mostly posting on the main board, the lounge, the weight board, sometimes on the paysite board, and the regional boards since more than one apply to me depending on the time of year.
  2. eightyseven

    Ladies, are you a cradle robber? Guys, enjoyed being robbed?

    You know, I've always felt that 19 was an awkward age. I'm technically an "adult" in just about every sense of the term except socially, though never assumed to be mature or independent. I have to say though... reading this thread has made me feel SO much better about my age :)
  3. eightyseven

    Massachusetts may expand discrimination law to include height and weight

    I'm proud to be born in a city (Washington, DC) and currently living in a state (Michigan) that BOTH have some sort of law(s) against discrimination based upon size. I'm honestly surprised this isn't the case in Massachusetts already... but good luck with passing those laws!
  4. eightyseven

    All for the sake of art right? Wrong >_<

    I wish people would judge on acting performance alone. There's no problem with being critical of a show, just criticize elements of the show that are WITHIN THE CONTROL of the cast and crew. F*ckin' a.
  5. eightyseven

    NAAFA on TV's "Moral Court"

    Sandie... I've always wondered how lawyers would make their presentation to a court when they were actually asked to defend an issue that truly meant something to them rather than because it made them another dollar. Your argument on this show was just exactly that, and I applaud you immensely...
  6. eightyseven

    Article from the Sunday N.Y. Times - Girth and Nudity,a pictorial mission

    I couldn't agree more. While there are clearly going to be people whose body types one is more or most attracted to, I feel as though it's very important to be able to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of people of varying shapes and sizes. Mr. Nimoy seems to understand this and is also able to...
  7. eightyseven

    Recent Picture of You-Part III

    You + Knowing that you despise the Yankees = :smitten:
  8. eightyseven

    Recent Picture of You-Part III

    Hmmmm... now I can finally pinpoint what's been lacking in my life. You're WAY too stunning not to contribute often! :)
  9. eightyseven

    Serenity NOW!!!

    "Two Coins" and "Out Loud" - Dispatch "Nightswimming" - REM "Light up my Room" - Barenaked Ladies "Blackbird" - The Beatles "Round Here" - Counting Crows "29" - Gin Blossoms "Motorcycle Driveby" - Third Eye Blind "Crowing" - Toad the Wet Sprocket
  10. eightyseven

    The HATE thread

    I hate... When people clap at the end of movies in the theatres. The people who made the movie are not there and you look stupid. People who can't get over their own political beliefs and have civil and respectful conversations. Have fun making friends. Commercials for ED treatments...
  11. eightyseven

    The HATE thread

    You mean... you don't love themed tablescapes??? Hahahahahahaha.
  12. eightyseven

    Recent Picture of You-Part III

    Maize and blue will ALWAYS do! Your boyfriend has good taste... and his choice of hat is nice too ;)
  13. eightyseven

    Don't Panic! Towel Day is May 25th.

    Gotcha... I never got into science fiction. But thank you for the education!
  14. eightyseven

    Buying effing Khaki/Cargo shorts...

    Yeah... I can imagine the beach scenes and floral prints are not the most appealing clothing styles. They do something similar for big guys... assuming that all of us dress like Fat Joe (the rapper) and only wear the urban-style clothes... like jean shorts that hang way below the waist and go...
  15. eightyseven

    Buying effing Khaki/Cargo shorts...

    You're still going down when we have our wrastlin' match in the A2... I'll be sporting my BCF shorts just for you ;) LOVE!
  16. eightyseven

    Weight Board Confessional

    My confession... I have a stomachache. Boring, I know. It really hurts though and I can't sleep.
  17. eightyseven

    Don't Panic! Towel Day is May 25th.

    Yeah... what she said. Towels? You mean it's acceptable to smack someone's bottom with a twisted up towel for a day? If that's the case, I'm so in.
  18. eightyseven

    Buying effing Khaki/Cargo shorts...

    I love Soupy. Burlington Coat Factory has a PLENTIFUL selection of sizes 40-50... it was so simple, and wayyyyyyyyyyy cheaper than any of the other stores I've been bitching about. Problem solved. People... when the Soup gives you advice, you'd best be listening... since it's more than likely...
  19. eightyseven

    Does this happen to you?

    My seat squeaks... and I'm not even driving an old car. I usually "plop" down into the driver's seat though... it's not a gentle motion. It could be my weight, but it could equally be the force with which I'm hitting the seat. Not something I really think about but I do realize it.
  20. eightyseven

    Spider Man 3 ROCKED!

    I haven't seen it... but the only review I got from my good friend was that she fell asleep since "Spidey was getting all emo and it bored me to tears." But that's not really why I'm commenting... I just wanted to say that it DRIVES ME NUTS when people clap at the end of movies. It makes no...