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  1. eightyseven

    FA: Dissecting the Term

    Sorry to bring you down a bit, but maybe some of us aren't content with that reality you claim everyone knows. I obviously didn't know about all the intricacies of the term, so I posted my thoughts on it. It seems that others have agreed/disagreed/commented on the same topic for the past day...
  2. eightyseven

    Sociology of being fat...

    I absolutely agree, and that's what I was trying to get at. It seems to me that many in the medical profession (while they may be fine people) tend to be less personal in dealing with fat patients. We all know that our respective sizes come with certain health risks... but that goes for...
  3. eightyseven

    Sociology of being fat...

    Today in my Sociology of Health and Aging class, the topic of lecture/discussion happened to be obesity (my professor is a researcher and this happens to be her specific area) and it was used as an example to describe how a health condition can affect various areas of the health spectrum- on...
  4. eightyseven

    FA: Dissecting the Term

    Nothing much else to say other than I love reading everyone's responses. Damn... we have some intelligent people on here, I must admit. I was just simply curious about how people really feel about everyday terminology that in my opinion, often gets overlooked.
  5. eightyseven

    FA: Dissecting the Term

    "FA" is a pretty universal term in our community, and from everything I've ever understood it stands for "Fat Admirer." I have no qualms whatsoever with this term, but I think that it warrents some examination. Let me know if I'm looking too much into this. I'm well aware that in many cases a...
  6. eightyseven

    Your skinniest and fattest pics

    I don't know if I've ever been skinny... but there's definitely been a pretty steady size increase for me since shooting up a good 8 or so inches in high school. While I have zero issues with the way I look currently, I'd like to get back to where I was when I graduated a couple years ago and...
  7. eightyseven

    Kelligirl or an Imposter???

    I still never got why everyone here is so obsessed with this "Kelligrl" woman. I just don't get it. There's at least 10 threads every month with her in it. It's like the American obsession with Anna Nicole-Smith. The woman was a goldigger who was famous for being famous. I feel like...
  8. eightyseven

    Anyone here play WOW??

    I don't play any video games or computer games... but all I know about WoW is that it's the big reason my brilliant friend dropped out of school after just over a semester last year. All he did was play... he didn't go to class for months and never left his dorm room except to eat and go to the...
  9. eightyseven

    Casual Male XL

    Thanks everyone! I'll report back on how my own experience goes :)
  10. eightyseven

    What schools can do beside push students to diet

    You don't have to defend yourself. I'm just saying there's still things you need to consider. Not everyone in high school plays a sport. And even on top of those fees, what about buying one's own equipment. It's MARYLAND, Russell... lacrosse is king. Lacrosse equipment is more expensive...
  11. eightyseven

    Casual Male XL

    What do any of the BHM (or ladies who outfit their BHMs) think about this store? I'm in need of some new pairs of jeans and while I can find a few pairs that are my sizes (44ish, depending on the brand) in stores like Kohl's and Old Navy, the selection is very limited. I was thinking of...
  12. eightyseven

    Food Guilt

    I don't have much to say on the topic other than when I go out to eat with people whom I'm not particularly comfortable with yet, I never order that much food. I guess I don't want them to label me as the "token fat guy" who eats a great deal all the time. I mean, I'll admit I overeat... but I...
  13. eightyseven

    What schools can do beside push students to diet

    For once I admire your efforts here, Russell. Washington County is a beautiful area (I'm from Maryland and just recently drove through the Hagerstown area on my way back to the Midwest) and taking advantage of that for health purposes is a great point to push, and I feel that you're actually...
  14. eightyseven

    NYC Weekend!

    Psh... like I have any cash to pony up. I'm the one buying FMV (For Maximum Value) enriched long grain rice, mmmkay? Jes... do you think Rob VanWinkle was smart enough to leave his do-rag at home?
  15. eightyseven

    NYC Weekend!

    Rip VanWinkle! Or ____ VanWinkle! Damn, that was hilarious.
  16. eightyseven

    What Song is Stuck in Your Head?

    This isn't typical me... but f*ck it. I'm listening to "What Goes Around... Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake. It's not my kind of music, I know, and I'm slightly embarassed. But the chorus is really catchy and actually HIGHLIGHTS JT's voice rather than makes him sound like a woman...
  17. eightyseven

    Recent Picture of You

    I know what it's like to miss your hair being a certain way... specifically lengthwise. However, you pull off your new look very cutely... so I wouldn't worry too much, or at all :)
  18. eightyseven

    NYC Weekend!

    Can you say, Hottest Pervs (self-proclaimed, not my words) Ever? I think so.
  19. eightyseven

    NYC Weekend!

    I'm just curious what "12 inches of fun" had to do with CDs/DVDs/Clothes. That guy was creepy, for sure... but without him we'd be missing hours of entertainment and the mystery behind "ENT." :-P
  20. eightyseven

    Bite Me.

    Mozzarella sticks? Now I'm hungry too, dammit.