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  1. W

    I wouldn't call Ray Bradbury an FA, but . . .

    The woman in "The Martian Chronicles" whose reaction to Armageddon is that she can eat whatever she wants is not the only very fat woman in a Ray Bradbury story. More recently he wrote a murder mystery, called something like "Murder is a Lonely Business," in which one of the main characters...
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    To all you male FA's

    That's a really good point. In some cases, a BF (or acquaintance) who lavishes physical compliments on a big gal is motivated by the knowledge that she isn't getting enough of that from society at large. When in doubt about the guy's feelings about your non-physical traits -- your...
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    Can a Big Girl Get Some Love?

    That's a really good point. For me, both weight gain and weight loss seem quite often merely to exaggerate the pre-existing conditions of a person's shape. Sometimes, up to a point, the only effect of either weight gain or weight loss on a person's appearance is to make her existing wardrobe...
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    Can a Big Girl Get Some Love?

    There is a quote in the article from a woman who, reporting good attention from men while she's big, adds that her personality shines through. Her personality may well shine through, but the implication, which I've sensed in quotes from other women in other articles, is that she attributes...
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    Hawaii always ranks as a thin state because it has a large population of fairly lean ethnic-Asians and Filipinos. But they are fatter than their genetic relatives in Japan, Korea, China, Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Once you've lived here awhile you can easily tell the difference, and it...
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    I was in my dentist's office for a regular check-up this week and killed time reading an old People magazine that featured the Fox show "House." A group photo of the cast reveals that when you take off the pounds the camera adds, this is a group of incredibly skinny people. Guys who look...
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    Nasty, Bitter Senior Citizen

    People haul their basic personalities with them through their entire lives. Some people are a**holes, as children, as teens, as adults, and ultimately as seniors. Some seniors are excused, because of age, for nasty traits they had their whole lives. People who are nasty to wait help are best...
  8. W

    Issues after a spouses passing?

    I lost my bride earlier this year after nearly three decades of a very happy marriage. Here are some things I have noticed: 1. Condolences from strangers (when you're change the names on a credit card account, for example) or from people you don't like, are really, really annoying and can leave...
  9. W

    Getting Older & No Smaller!

    Fat can store toxins and elevate the risk of some cancers. But for the most part, people go into health decline because of sloth, smoking and poor nutrition. Keep moving -- walking is sufficient -- don't smoke and eat your veggies before demolishing that carton of Haagen-Daz, and chances are...
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    Fat/Size Related Pet Names

    LilyBBBW described nicknames she applies to -herself- and it strikes me that there is a lesson in that: you're much less likely to inflict unintended pain when you let your friend define herself. Even then, however, I'd be careful about take the self-effacing comment of one whimsical moment and...
  11. W

    where is the love for the msbbw???

    Some of us like the fuller female form in all of its sizes. Even a petite girl who has grown very slightly plump can accelerate the heart rate of many FAs. To some extent the collective admiration of really big beauties on this site represents our collective hope for a world in which everyone...
  12. W

    just my late night rant

    Lots of perfectly good guys don't approach women in bars or clubs. Many men consider such places too noisy and too drunken to make an approach. For a sober man you can strike up a conversation with, or be upstruck by, try a farmers market by day or a really cool bookstore by night...
  13. W

    Help please :( (naughty men)

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I was away for hours, but feel free to quote any time. I've enjoyed your posts for many years of lurking. Further on the matter of fat-bashing or fat-teasing as a covert way of spurring talk about an erotic topic, it also works the other way. In my teen years a...
  14. W

    Help please :( (naughty men)

    The gentleman in question (1) has guts for appearing on the board, (2) is no gentleman, and the genuine regret he shows appears tempered by some lingering feeling that everyone, not just CurvyEm, is overreacting. I would say the reaction is pretty well-judged. There appear to be the seeds of...
  15. W

    Say something nice about the person who posted before you...

    Wasn't it nice of Jes to propose giving a chance for praise or acclaim to some other deserving person?
  16. W

    The obscure movie quotes game.

    Sometimes I think every movie ever made contains the phrase, "Let's get out of here," or the phrase, "It's showtime!" (And lately I've noticed that all the CSI shows have grown overfond of "Take a look at this" and "Check this out" when someone has lab results.) But here's an obscure...
  17. W

    New feedee?

    Very good point. Sexy is as sexy does. How you display, move and refer to yourself will do way more to entice a healthy lover than the occasional Haagen Daz binge. This is true of all women but especially big women, so many of whom are inexperienced at being vamps due to society telling them...
  18. W

    Survey: fat acceptance rising

    The Washington Post today published an Associated Press article whose lead was, "Thin is still in, but apparently fat is nowhere near as out as it used to be." The article reports on market research by NPD Group. It finds, after surveying nearly 2,000 people, that the percentage of Americans...
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    Frank Lyrics Thread - Zappa not Sinatra

    Eat your greens Don't forget your beans Zappa did live for awhile in Glen Burnie, Md., a suburb on the south side of Baltimore and a good place for a good American to grow up with a Zapparific view of things. Despite his deliberately raunchy song titles and lyrics, one of the most subversive...
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    Saucy's grammar and all that jazz corner

    The tricky thing about these rules is that they can evolve. Lilly's use of "their" in place of "she or he," still technically incorrect according to most grammar authorities, is in such widespread use that it will probably become the new rule eventually. Many of the rules we're so careful...