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  1. B

    BMI - What's Yours?

    depends on the scale but mine was 60 a fews back absolutely chuffed. not bad for a lad and his beer gut at 5'2" 155kg hey?
  2. B

    beer guts?

    thank you. i understand ladies are into guys of all sizes and shapes which is of course nice to hear. was wondering if any of them were into beer bellies in particular, especially ones 63" or bigger ;)
  3. B

    beer guts?

    as the title says really. any ladies into guys with beer guts and chunky legs and thighs from carrying it around all day as opposed to flab all over? not so many in my experience :(
  4. B

    BHM Clothes

    thats true. whilst companies such as this have at last caught up with the fact that blokes are getting fatter, i still find that the sizes are not so generous for us fatter blokes.
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    BHM Clothes

    i have recently gone from the 3x to the 4x in the uk market. not many places sell this size in formal shirts. its expensive being fat ;)
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    scales: mechanical vs digital

    evening. maybe not the best place to post this (?) but as i would like to think of myself as a bhm, i thought it might be appropriate. mechanical scales or digital ones? which are the most accurate? reason being, i weigh about 150kg on the mechanical and 140kg on the digital. same time of...
  7. B

    fat ass shirts

    our local supermarket caters for guys up to 3xl now but thats only about 50" in the belly. get some bigger sizes in please.
  8. B

    FFA's in the UK?

    being this size about 23-24 stone plus being a shortie means i dont stand out in a crowd height wise that is.
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    School reunions

    put on about 12 stone about 170lbs since that time, was always chunky but now egg shaped ;)
  10. B

    beer guts

    mines up to 63" now at 330lbs 1.62m tall :) enjoying it. likey?
  11. B

    Do you ever get upset people call you fat?

    so ok? somwhere between 340 and 350 today:eat1:
  12. B

    What is your weight right now?

    between 340 and 350lbs. not bad for short bloke?
  13. B

    Airline seats [again]..

    i find it very difficult to fit into a standard seat. i exceed the width and the belt. it can be quite embarrasing. would support the idea of having bookable larger seats at the back of aircrafts for example and paying extra for those, but not twice. a flight over an hour in economy puts me...
  14. B

    Do you ever get upset people call you fat?

    i love being called fat and at 24 stone i think i deserve the praise ;)
  15. B

    Hairy Chest or No?

    hairy bloke here all over and growing a nice beard now. do you ladies and gents into bhm prefer facial hair? wear a 0.75mm beard myself.
  16. B

    What are you happy about today?

    happy about weighing nearly 25 stone on the shopping centre scales today
  17. B

    Cars - What are you driving? (for fat drivers)

    ford transit... :eat2:
  18. B

    Huge Thighs?

    mine still around the 36" mark :eat2:
  19. B

    What is your highest adult weight?

    good on ya! a little shorter at 5'4 and less chunky than you at nearing 320 but same thoughts on the doc's advice ;)
  20. B

    Biggest BHM on the DIMS board

    not the biggest but one of the shortest? 5'4, 320lbs?