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  1. B

    where are the FFA that like the short fellas

    5'4" bi guy here around 140kg so i guess i fit into this category :wubu:
  2. B

    where are the FFA that like the short fellas

    short guys have more power per square inch ;) lol
  3. B

    Belly library (men/women)

    this one is inspirational to other smaller bhms looking to gain to that size.....me hah! would love some stats mate!! good stuff!!
  4. B

    Belly library (men/women)

    a substantial size mate! guess you may be 6" or so? love it....hope you dont mind another bloke giving you compliments!!
  5. B

    Belly library (men/women)

    nice gain mate. what you weighing in at now? looks like a big gut on you too. bigger than 60" yet? cheers!
  6. B

    anyone play or used to play rugby?

    your a welsh lad like me bigsteve? nearing 22 stone myself now. ex prop but only oassionally aned usually from 70 mins on. tbh too unfit to run for 40 mins.
  7. B

    The i am too fat for..............Thread

    one of my weird aims its 150kg limit in the uk and weigh in at 139kg today up from 107kg in early 2005. i'm already off the bmi scale on the wii fit as it only goes up to 40 (lol) and mines about 52 but cant wait to break the board ;) hopefully before 2010!!!:eat2:
  8. B

    anyone play or used to play rugby?

    ex 17 stone prop here put on nearly 5 stone since i last played
  9. B

    The i am too fat for..............Thread

    most chairs with side arms and any "boothes" in restaurants - totally avoid them! on another note, went to get some new formal trousers over the weekend and up from a 46" to a 52" under the belly. my butt and thighs must be swelling. cool!
  10. B

    white van man

    aye thats about right - a big fat blue collar guy who drives a van. an english term been around the uk for about 10 years. white because most vans in the uk are. good to see some fa's like wvm!
  11. B

    Average Weight of Dims BHM/SSBHM

    just posted and voted for 301-350lbs. although i am on the lower end i would love to get to the higher end. give me afew years as i seem to be a slow gainer. will be interesting to see the f/fa comments on this poll. come on fa's!
  12. B

    Escapist In the Hospital

    get well soon mate!
  13. B

    white van man

    plenty of these bhm in the uk characterised by our big beer bellies. anyone want to add anything?
  14. B

    Average Weight of Dims BBW Ladies

    nice, good to see the mean and as a bhm posting on the bhm/ffa board would like to set up a similar poll bit dont know how too. can anyone do this? thxs all!
  15. B

    You know your a BHM when??

    plenty of skin tight football shirts here too for us bigger bellied lads. apparently i need a 5xl this year ;) i think they are getting smaller and tighter each year, but the need for a 5xl as opposed to a 3xl last year excites me.
  16. B

    You know your a BHM when??

    # lol and being 300 ish it would be bigger and so a 500lb guy?! me and you too buddy!
  17. B

    Men-Who do you have a hetrosexual man crush on?

    me likes! would love to have a drinking sesh wit the big lad!!
  18. B

    Average Weight of Dims BBW Ladies

    lets do a similar poll for bhm. 135 - 140kg on average i guess, but male :(
  19. B

    digital scales vs traditional scales

    just wondering what the accuracy of digital scales may be compared to the original dial type scales. the reason i ask is that i have both. glass plated digital scales with a precision to 0.1kg apparently and a pair of traditional scales that give a reading which has to be read by the user...
  20. B


    no probs tony. my daily routine at the moment involves lifting my right arm to my mouth with a beer in the hand, repeated probably a hundred or so times lol ;) having said that i do get a fair bit of cardio exercise at work just walking around and lifting stuff for most of the day which i...