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  1. B

    Having a Big Derriere May Be Good for Your Health, Study Finds

    good news for blokes too although i have the beer belly to go with it :(
  2. B

    I'm happy I'm fat today because...

    coz i am in a 4xl rugby shirt and its tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. B

    Are you interested in a GLBTQ forum/board?

    so what is happening?
  4. B

    Hey, Guys: What Size Are YOU???

    eerie twin bro!! its a nice size to be isnt it? although i do want to be a hella lot bigger. the only thing i find (and i think it is posted in another thread) is that by wearing jeans of this size a lot of shirts show a nice little gap between my naval and jeans/pants. dont mind though...
  5. B

    What's your Comfort Food?

    got myself three 14" pizzas with 8 toppings on to get through tonight and a box of 24 beers and goona pig out. i am in need of comforting ;) i lot 4lbs this week :( (
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    Top or Bottom?

    even still that is quite impressive!
  7. B

    Are you interested in a GLBTQ forum/board?

    both sides of the argumemt being presented here and have to say that both sides have credibility. ok, whilst supported a separate group, it looks like there would be no "probs" with gblt posting within the usual thread. sounds like a level headed forum on the whole!
  8. B

    You know your a BHM when??

    all true matey i relate. the inner thigh area goes with me as well. costs a fortune to look good but proud to do so!
  9. B

    FFAs - Fat: How do you prefer it on a guy? BHMs - How do you prefer yours?

    ah! lovely.....i've got the gut and muscle combo too but the gut is probly harder (and smaller :( :( :( ) than starscream
  10. B

    Hey, Guys: What Size Are YOU???

    stemming from this i wonder if we should create two further polls? 1. how big would bhm like to get? 2. how big to fa's like their bhm ? both in terms of waist size? sorry dont know how to do this but thought a few of us might be interested? cheers!
  11. B

    Are you interested in a GLBTQ forum/board?

    i agree with mergirl it may expand (pardon the pun) interest in size issues and interest in being or liking big. as a bi bhm it would be good to connect with the girls and guys on this board who like bhm for a starter. anyway i'm happy to support.
  12. B

    Are BIG BELLYS the new big butt?

    me too - not saying i'm awesome although i think i am ;) but its always guts before butts for me in girls and guys.
  13. B

    You know your a BHM when??

    love it mate those expanding waistline pants help dont they?!
  14. B

    Top or Bottom?

    well done mate on your pushups at that size. i am struggling at 310 although probably shorter than you. you must have a good upper body strength and i guess it does help for lifting ourselves when on top. i respect the wish of my partner and am totally sincere about that. if its a...
  15. B

    Belly library (men/women)

    do you mind me asking your stats and measurements? you look quite big. thanks!
  16. B

    You know your a BHM when??

    you break your jogging bottoms when sitting down and display the white lining and your bum in all its glory! yes quite true i'm afraid.
  17. B

    The Beer Thread

    glad to have found this thread - sorry to give it a bit of a bump...with my belly lol ;) peroni has been a favourite of mine for a long time and those 660ml bottles on sale in most uk supermarkets are just fine for chillin and chillin! trouble is i get through far too many a week.
  18. B

    Are you interested in a GLBTQ forum/board?

    happy to be added :)
  19. B

    Quick Go To Gay Thread!!!!

    fair enough. being bi and happy i am happy to talk to girls and guys. i guess that IS the definition lol ;) its not a big thing i hope?
  20. B

    Quick Go To Gay Thread!!!!
