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  1. NFA

    help with relationship/self image issues

    Um, what? Why do you have to be able to pick women up and carry them? I assure you, I've had a very fufilling life without dating a woman/handbag. Okay, this is a serious question, but why did you fall in love with her? All you are telling us about is her "meat" and her "amazing rear"...
  2. NFA

    Are there any fat girls out there...

    Actually, I was simply rephrasing Jes's point. I would say that as an FA, I'm not entirely equipped to say whether it is true or not. I do think, though, that we cannot look at it as one kind of knowledge being a necessary precursor to another kind of knowledge. Knowing from experience can be...
  3. NFA

    Reuters: Disciplinarian parents have fat kids: study

    The AP report reveals that they did not control for the obvious factor of the parent's weight, so this data really doesn't tell us anything at all. Just another manufactured press release for a not very relevant statistical analysis that will probably be used to earn thousands in grant money.
  4. NFA

    Are there any fat girls out there...

    I don't really think its a valid comparison. With the FA dynamic, the experience is the attraction and an FA can experience and know that attraction without knowing the physical implications of it. We know we are an FA not because we've experienced being with a BBW, but because we have...
  5. NFA

    Are there any fat girls out there...

    Well, Fuzzy's original question was confusingly worded so I'm not quite sute what he's getting at. If the question is, are there fat women who are unaware that some men are attracted to them, I'd say that is answer is certainly yes. There are many women who aren't exposed to the fat community...
  6. NFA

    Welcome to Fatland

    Well, I was there for the incidents that TraciJo makes herself out to be an innocent martyr for. I continue to get hate mail from TraciJo's "inner circle" who also engaged in violent fantasies about myself, Marilyn Wann, and other fat activists who weren't willing to abandon the movement at...
  7. NFA

    Welcome to Fatland

    Your problem with Marilyn supposedly has nothing to do with SA, and then you say that your problem is that Marilyn believes in and supports Size Acceptance? Of course, Size Acceptance as it is and always has been as opposed to how you would apparently like to redefine it on behalf of someone...
  8. NFA

    Obesity and Age.

    Aw, is someone sad that their attempt to belittle me was exposed as not really meaning anything. Aw, poor boy. Do you need a hankie?
  9. NFA

    Obesity and Age.

    Hate to have to break this to you, but an online quiz at a financial planning website isn't really definative evidence. It just means the people writing it assumed fatness had that impact. Doesn't mean they were using proper data to reach that conclusion.
  10. NFA

    When do you feel like you're fat?

    For goodness sake, can we admit that this bozo is part of the troll brigade yet? Speaking of which, Steve, I don't care how much you "get off" on thinking of fat women as immobile "tubs of lard" but saying it won't make it so.
  11. NFA

    why do you think you are fat

    Aw, would you look at that. The trolls are coordinating. Its almost like they have higher level brain function.
  12. NFA

    why do you think you are fat

    Oh, I get it now. Some fat hate site is trying to stage an "invasion" because obviously their lives are so darn fufilling that they have the time for such nonsense. Guess what, fellas. You aren't the first, won't be the last. And, for all of your insight that you are offering revealed truths...
  13. NFA

    why do you think you are fat

    removed quote from deleted post-moderator You're wrong. You can claim you aren't critcising people, but what you are doing is calling people liars and gluttons. Again, you are wrong. I've seen the mathematical explanations of how much I must be eating to justify my weight. Well, its bull...
  14. NFA

    Say WHAT??? "Obesity and virtue. Is staying lean a matter of ethics?"

    Fatness is unquestionably treated as a moral failing in our society. I hardly needed an Australain dermatologist to tell me that. That's the justification for discrimination and bigotry. Fat is absolutely a moral issue for those who attack fat people. Our bodies are immoral by their nature...
  15. NFA

    why do you think you are fat

    I reject the notion that a fat body is one in need of explanation. There are no psycho-analytical explanations for my body. No physical disorders. No rampent gluttony. I am fat, because I am fat.
  16. NFA

    Obesity and Age.

    No, its not true. Plenty of fat people live past 50 and 60. Fat as a death sentance is pure propaganda that doesn't have a whiff of truth. Its anecdotal at best, pure conjecture at worst. Neither of which are facts, though that is how it is presented. The truth is, for all the...
  17. NFA

    Fat: Love it, leave it, or who the hell cares?

    My response would be the same if I unintentionally gained weight. Nothing. Some minor annoyance at having to buy new clothes might seep through, but that'd be it. My weight normally fluctuates in a range of 20-25 pounds and I try to keep an even perspective. Indeed, I try to be good about...
  18. NFA

    short Asian bbw's with narrow waists and huge calves

    I know a site with slighly below average height Persian bbws with chubby forearms, but that's about as close as I can get. (And that was a joke. please, please, PLEASE do not message me about the site with slightly below average height Persian bbws with chubby forearms.)
  19. NFA

    How much would you give up not to be fat?

    Hardly unexpected results that frankly keep getting reported every year or so, though I'm not really sure what's the value of the survey. People are afraid of fat? Wow. Stunning revelation. WLS patients give up some 20 years or so of life expectancy to lose "some" weight, if they don't...
  20. NFA

    Ladies: BBWS, Body Image, and Gaining Weight. Your Opinion.

    I know this is addressed to the women, but I do have a comment I'd like to add. Having self-esteem and a strong body image have NOTHING to do with wanting to gain weight. Accepting a fat body should not mean having to then conclude that you want it fatter. A part of the process, however...