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  1. queenarona

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Currently playing Monster Hunter GU and Monster Hunger World: Iceborne. Was interested in Cyberpunk 2077 but its too buggy to play on Xboxone or PS4 right now. Watching my husband play Yakuza: Judgement has been more fun than watching him play Ghost of Tsushima unfortunately lol.
  2. queenarona

    In a perfect utopia, how big would you be?

    If I could I would love to gain weight and expand as big as possible if I eat a ton of food--and go back down or back up or change my proportions based on however I'm feeling. Basically shape-shifting and rubber powers lol.
  3. queenarona

    Where do you gain weight most?

    Belly first, then thighs, then breasts surprisingly! I did not think they could get bigger but they did.
  4. queenarona

    So, I recently decided to embrace something that I was denying myself

    Aww I love these, they're awesome! Congratulations and welcome to the feedee world!!
  5. queenarona

    The Introduction Thread Part 2

    Hi all! Long time lurker, FA and into WG and stuffing. Since getting married I've gained over 30 pounds and while I enjoy it and it excites me, I'm still learning how to fully accept my body at the heaviest it's been (186). Even though I'm eating healthier foods than I did in my early twenties...
  6. queenarona

    Enjoyment of eating in secret?

    Yes! I love spending time alone watching myself get full off of junk food lol. One time I had the place to myself for the weekend and had pizza, mcdonalds, a ton of soda and rice cakes and hard cider. It was amazing, although it was too many sweets at once. o_O I'm definitely looking forward to...