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  1. Piink

    How come I don't see these cars at my Walmart?

    That guy has to be a total creeper! I've got plenty of reasons to avoid Wal-Mart and he would be another! Plus, a mini-van isn't going to get my motor running. I'm a muscle car type of girl! ;)
  2. Piink

    What makes you feel sexy?

    I was wondering, what makes you feel sexy? I'm not talking about men telling you that you are. It can be something you wear, or a certain way you pamper yourself (like nails or hair) or anything else besides verbal complements. Honestly, I can't think of something that actually makes me feel...
  3. Piink

    Things 'Nice Guys' Should never do

    Nice guys shouldn't act like they know everything, especially when they know nothing and turn out to be a fool. Example: I grew up hunting and fishing. We had trapped some piglets and decided to let them grow up before we put them in the freezer. We had a large pen and kept/feed them for the...
  4. Piink

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Not eating anything, but currently drinking a nice hot tottie!
  5. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    My sweet mare is gone. The vet came out today and agreed that her leg just could not be helped. I made the right decision but it still breaks my heart. She was my heart horse and I will forever miss her.
  6. Piink

    Bbw, What do you wish you had the Courage to do?

    I wish I had the courage to take photos of myself, clothed, nakey, or otherwise. I gag at the thought of a camera. I love taking pics of others, and the outdoors, and all my itty bitty critters, but not myself. I'm quite nit-picky when it comes to me and my body. Also wish I had the courage to...
  7. Piink

    pulling a pig

    Some people these days just suck. Growing up around a bunch of dunks and rednecks, I thought heard it all. But, this just about takes the cake. If anyone tried this, they wouldn't have to worry about "holding on", they'd have to worry about getting up. I'm not into violence, but if I am poked...
  8. Piink

    "no one would want to have a baby with a fat person"

    He must be related to my boyfriend's mother! She once asked him "Do you think she would allow me to babysit if you ever had children? That is, if she isn't to fat to even get pregnant? " My reply to him, Hell NO! :mad: Wonder how his employee's feel after reading that?
  9. Piink

    Jewelry Shopping

    What kind of issues have you ran into when shopping for jewelry? I hate ring shopping because I always have to "special order" my ring size. I wear a 10/11 depending on the finger. Most bracelets are to small, and anklet bracelets just don't go around my ankle (and I don't even have fat ankles!)
  10. Piink

    Fishing thread

    I love love love fishing. I started out on the boat by sitting in a 5-gallon bucket of water at my dad's feet. Now I'm pretty sure I'd need a 55-gallon drum! I've always been a freshwater girl. Catfish, bream, specks (crappie), softshell turtle, etc. I've got 2 pink fishing rods. And I'm...
  11. Piink

    Makeup Tips and Ideas!

    There is NO way I would always dress in one color. I like bright colored tops, but I'm not going to wear a hot pink top, hot pink legging, and hot pink sneakers. :eek: Now, pair that same top down with a pair of white leggings, and silver sandals and you've got a killer look. I wish the washer...
  12. Piink

    Road Ragin'- your opinions please, ladies...

    I've always wanted a sticker that says "Fat's where it's at" ... :wubu: I've seen a few of the stickers that take a jab at fat girls ... Like the "fat girls can't jump" ... Little did they know I grew up driving big trucks. This fatty knows how to get up in a rig!! lol And the "No Fat...
  13. Piink

    I need fat girlfriends ... =[

    While the forum is great, when I go out it's tough to bring it with me. I'd gladly love for a few of the Dims girls to go out with me somewhere, sometime. I'm pretty sure we could have a blast! I'm not a big online shopper, because I like to touch, smell, and try on the clothing. Not something...
  14. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I'm really sad when I think about what is coming up Thursday. Thursday, I will be putting my dream horse to sleep. She fell and got hurt pretty badly. We've tried all we could to make her comfortable, but it wasn't possible. The vet will be out on Thursday to put her to sleep. My boyfriend will...
  15. Piink


    Anyone in or near the Fort Myers/Cape Coral area? I'd love to meet some new friends!
  16. Piink

    I need fat girlfriends ... =[

    Just a little vent! All of my friends are small. And the ones that claim they are "fat" aren't even over a 12 pant size. And if they are, it's because they are pregnant! I do get tired of the "Ugh, I'm sooooooo fat" comments. :mad: I hate shopping with them as they rarely go to a store...
  17. Piink

    Can I help my girlfriend to love and accept her body?

    Honestly, I hate my body. My boyfriend pays the most attention to my breasts, butt, and face. He forgets about the rest of me. And when he does remember that there is more to me than that, well, he compliments tend to be less than flattering at times. I used to be really confident before we...
  18. Piink


    :wubu: That dress is just ... I'm drooling now! I so need that dress for my 3-year anniversary that is coming up! Where is it from?
  19. Piink

    What are you wearing right now?

    Love this!
  20. Piink

    Fun with Nails!

    For those who have the stamp plates, how do you store them? I got a couple and I want to try them, I just need to find a way to store them without having them flop around my nail trunk!