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  1. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Realization that this may be my Mom's last Christmas. Her health is headed downhill, and some days are worse than others. We had a good time decorating the tree, still she had a hard time standing up for a short period of time and had to sit and take a break quite often as she just doesn't have...
  2. Piink

    What did you buy today?

    Just got to new pencil skirts, one solid black with leather-like accents and another black one with white lightening bolts, five new tops, and a pair of jeans ... Still need to f:nd a pair of shoes and some accessories to go with everything. But, I don't get them until Christmas.
  3. Piink

    Anybody else planning and shopping for holiday outfits?

    I was invited to an early Thanksgiving dinner with my biological aunts and grandma. My bio mom won't be there (thankfully) and it will be the first time I will meet one of my aunts and only the second time I will have seen my Grandma. I'm thinking some dress pants and a sparkly top. Or the...
  4. Piink

    Tyson Beckford tells plus size ladies to love themselves

    During an interview in Australia, male model Tyson Beckford had this to say -
  5. Piink

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Just put on a large pot of hamburger soup for dinner tonight. I think I might make some scratch biscuits to go with it.
  6. Piink

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Dad is throwing some steaks on the grill and I am making seasoned steak fries and another awesome salad.
  7. Piink

    Mama June A Sex Symbol?

    I second this. Sadly, I know people just like them. :(
  8. Piink

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Chicken & yellow rice, oven-roasted broccoli, and salad containing lettuce, spinach, carrots, red onions, tomatoes, shredded colbyjack cheese, and croutons. And leftover cupcakes :)
  9. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Thank goodness I am my father's daughter ...
  10. Piink

    Fun with Nails!

    Painted my toes today. Didn't do a great job as I was in a bit of a rush. They are hot pink by day and glow at night!
  11. Piink

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Making an amazing roast and gravy in the crock pot. Then mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and roasted asparagus on the side. Dessert will be sponge cake cupcakes with 2 color swiss meringue buttercream icing swirl and some sanding sugar on top!!
  12. Piink

    Au Naturale?

    I don't like facial hair or long hair on my partner (male). Chest hair is OK, but I don't like back hair. And prefer him to keep the pubes trimmed up. I keep my legs and pits shaved and trim my pubes. I used to shave my arms as well. And I highly dislike hairy feet on anyone, male or female.
  13. Piink

    Fun with Nails!

    Just got these done a couple of weeks ago. Broke the middle finger on my left hand when I picked up an EMPTY box ....
  14. Piink

    Woman to hand out 'fat letters' instead of candy

    I'm pretty sure if I had children and some self-righteous hag pulled a stunt like this, well, I'm damn certain what I would do would be against the law. If she doesn't want to see the "little fatties" maybe she shouldn't celebrate the holiday. Imagine how the only little chubby girl in the...
  15. Piink

    Woman to hand out 'fat letters' instead of candy

    I'm speechless on this. How mean can some people be?
  16. Piink

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    As much as I adore my little Nissan, I truly miss my truck.
  17. Piink

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    I love my iHeart radio. Currently listening to Ritchie Valens, Fats Domino, The Dixie Cups, Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, and more.
  18. Piink

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Birthday Cake Oreos
  19. Piink

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I want to learn to swing dance.
  20. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    No one knew the man was suicidal. That's not something someone goes around bragging about. And how could we control what someone else has inside their own home??