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  1. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    Yes, I do. I currently have a British .303 and a 16 gauge shotgun in my bedroom. A 9mm under the TV cabinet, the 16 gauge my father got when he was 10 in the corner, the previously mentioned 12 gauge, my brothers .22 rifle, my ex's .410, and my father's .22 rifle, a Steven's .25 rifle, a...
  2. Piink

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    One of the feral cats decided to put her kittens inside one of the pickups. How did we find this out? After my father and his friend arrived at Lake Okeechobee they found them. I had to drive 110 miles (round trip) to retrieve them. All windows will now remain up.
  3. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    We own the 12 gauge shotgun my cousin used to kill himself. Every once in a while, we still find a piece or two of his skull. He was a grown man with a wife (who was not home), and two small children (who were home in the next room) at the time he killed himself. The wife, was out running around...
  4. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Sunburnt again, darn it!!!!
  5. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    It has nothing to do with luck. It has to do with parents not teaching their children proper gun safety and not properly storing their firearms and ammo. If you think it's about luck, your very very wrong. It's a lack of parenting.
  6. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Exhausted, but for a good reason. Did some volunteering at the horse rescue today, and I will be doing it again tomorrow. :-)
  7. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    So I guess my father was a bad father? And his father as well? I grew up hunting. I prefer wild meat, that I killed and butchered myself over store bought. I will always be an outdoors person, I will always hunt and so will my children and grandchildren. Growing up in a poor farm family, you...
  8. Piink

    I wonder if the liberal do gooders will try to take this law abiding citizen's gun.

    I grew up around guns. I plan on my children growing up around them as well. I was taught proper gun safety when I was taught to shoot at around 7/8 years old. I do think 5 is a wee bit young, and it is really stupid to leave loaded guns lying about when young children are around. These parents...
  9. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I was so happy when it rained today. While I'm not fond of lightning, the sound of the rain and thunder is quite soothing.
  10. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Just twisted my ankle ... :(
  11. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Yeah, it does sound a bit bland. lol But that sounds pretty awesome, though. If you ever get anything painted, you must share. I've never been into video games to much, probably because in suck at them. :rolleyes:
  12. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    What are you thinking about having him do? Between shelves, pictures and a gun rack, I have no room for anything special lol
  13. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I thought about doing black accents, but I'm still undecided. All of my frames, candle holders, shelves, etc are black. That's what color it was before pink.
  14. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Looking at paint samples for my bedroom. While I fully love my hot pink walls, I think it is time to tone it down. I'm 23 not 13. So now my walls will be gray. While it isn't something to be jumping up and down about, it's a something I am looking forward to getting done! Just hoping most of the...
  15. Piink


    I've got close to 150 cookbooks (maybe more, I haven't counted in a while), covering a wide range of things like Italian, BBQ, Wine Making, Desserts, Southern, Cajun, Creole, Depression Era, etc. And even some Seminole Indian recipes. Between collecting the cookbooks and actually cooking from...
  16. Piink

    A me day

    My "Me Day" consists of lounging around in pajamas all day and catching up on my favorite shows and popcorn. I like to end the day with a relaxing bath with one of my favorite LUSH bath bombs and a glass of NUVO. Sadly, these days come about once every two or three months. :(
  17. Piink

    clothing malfunctions

    Worst clothing malfunction? Out on a large trail ride (we were riding in the swamp), I had gotten off of my horse for a stretch. When I slung my leg back up over the saddle I heard a loud rip. As did everyone else. I ripped the crotch of my jeans. At least I was wearing cute undies!! This...
  18. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    It's been over a month since my sweet pony was laid to rest. I miss her. I still wake up some days and think about going to see her and then I remember. The main reason I help out at my local horse rescue is in her memory. But, it still breaks my heart when I see others out enjoying their ponies. :(
  19. Piink

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I'm not so fantastic at this single thing anymore. I haven't gone out once, and I keep making plans to do so, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty I get cold feet and call it off. :(
  20. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Getting stood up sucks ... :(