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  1. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I got my Google Nexus 7 and I love it! I'm not a very techy person, but I'm getting the hang of it fairly easy.
  2. Piink

    Bbw, What do you wish you had the Courage to do?

    I wouldn't post them online or anything like that. Just do it to say I did it and so I can say "Damn girl, you look good naked!" would be good enough. Regardless, I still don't have the confidence to do so I guess I will never need to worry about that.
  3. Piink

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I just honestly made a complete ass of myself. I was called "Linda" .... Little did I know "Linda" means beautiful/cute/attractive in another language. :doh:
  4. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Went and seen my most favorite hair stylist today (actually just got home from there!) and I went from my long shaggy mop to a cute inverted bob. Also got my brows waxed again. I had forgotten just how that felt! :eek: So glad I did it. I missed that crazy girl!!!
  5. Piink

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I've got a drink in my hand and my middle finger in the air. Why? 'Cause I'm on a mission to make good things happen. I'm so sick of everything going wrong. I'm tired of sad moments and sad memories. I'm making changes, both physically and mentally. I want good memories that will make me...
  6. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    This ... It is an "I'm Sorry" gift from my ex. I'll get it in two weeks as he had to have it sized. He knows my favorite color is pink, so this is the ring he picked out for me. We spent nearly three years together. We've talked and now he understands what he did wrong. He needed to...
  7. Piink

    hard wired from birth to admire fat...I know I am. How about you?

    I've been with guys of all sizes, from stick thin to 400+ lbs. But I prefer a husky guy. Think big strong arms, wide shoulders, and a belly. I like feeling safe and secure when he wraps his arms around me. And, I guess, it is because I have always idolized my dad. I want the man I marry to...
  8. Piink

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    What a trio of pretty ladies!!!
  9. Piink

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    This is my current status on Facebook: It best describes how I feel about this entire event.
  10. Piink

    Happy Belated Birthday CAAggieGirl!!!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday!!
  11. Piink

    Fun Pictures That Make You Giggle

    Couldn't rep you for this, but I so need a few of these cards. :p
  12. Piink

    Boston Marathon Bombing

    My heart goes out to all of the killed and injured, their families, and the many others who witnessed such a tragedy. :(
  13. Piink

    Rep Your Pets!

    This is one of our three dogs. His name is Bo and he is a Chihuahua mix, I love this little guy more than words could ever explain. He refuses to let me cry. If I ever start, he is in my face wiping every single one of them away until I stop crying. He is a spoiled rotten little brat, but I...
  14. Piink

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I need a vacation, I need to get gone for a while and forget about everything happening here, even if it is for only a week. Sadly, my bank account does not agree. :(
  15. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    For some reason, I missed this the first time around. Thank you. Sadly, things just got sadder. My aunt passed away this morning. She was not in good health at all and she is in a better place. I just feel so so bad for my cousin. Like me, she was born to older parents. She is only a...
  16. Piink

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Yes, I'm a West Coast girl!! Fort Myers to be exact. I'm heading to Naples this evening for a birthday party. Maybe I should just keep heading south and 'round the alley until I hit Miami ... Hmmm .....
  17. Piink

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Mojitos at 8:30 ... Well after the interesting night I had ... :rolleyes: On a side note, your two hours SE of me ... Straight shot down I75 ... And now I have that stupid song "I'm in Miami, Bitch" stuck in my head ... Ugh!
  18. Piink

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Keep your chin up and rock that interview!!
  19. Piink

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Yes!!! too short!
  20. Piink

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Will you be my dance partner? I need someone to shake their booty with me!! :p