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  1. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Got an amazing package in the mail today. An amazing artist drew a picture of my beautiful mare. It looks so much like her. I'm trying so hard not to cry looking at it. I love love love love it! Now, I've just got to find the perfect frame for it!
  2. Piink

    What are you happy about today?

    I'm happy that I made a date with my Dad (I'm a Daddy's Girl, bite me!) to go to the gun range. I've had my Enfield .303 for nearly a decade and have not shot it once. :doh: It was a gift from my uncle before he passed Easter 2004.
  3. Piink

    Post 5 random facts about yourself

    1. I love tattoos. Nothing like a BHM with a few! :smitten: And if he has a well placed piercing?! Well, I cannot say. :p I really want to get started on my sleeve. I had a horseback accident when I was 15 that left me with awful scarring on my left hand/arm and I desperately want to get it...
  4. Piink

    What makes you feel sexy?

    I rarely wear panties anyways! Nothing like a windy day and a dress!! :shocked: I went and got my nails done, planning on getting my hair done, and got a new dress. Broke out the make-up (haven't worn any in a year!) and put my war paint on, as my mother calls it. Felt great! I didn't feel...
  5. Piink

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Tonight I'm frying up some catfish, softshell turtle meat, hush-puppies, baked beans, and maybe some orange refrigerator cookies for dessert. I'd prefer to have a lo' country boil instead, but I don't have any crawdads handy. :(
  6. Piink

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Your Beautiful! And that is one HUGE bunny! :eek:
  7. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I knew the cards were stacked against us from the get go, but I gave it all I had. Dammit, I tried. I know I made the right decision for her, even if it broke my heart. We had a bond that everyone for a mile could see. I'm sorry to hear that you had to deal with something similar. It's a...
  8. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: Laying around in my jammies, reading a good book while sipping a drink. Right now, I've got a Blue Hawaiian and I was reading a copy of Roots. Until the dog started attacking my toes under the blanket. Q: Do you like the sound of thunderstorms?
  9. Piink

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm happy that I have made the decision to accept who I am. If I can't love me, then no one else will. Starting today, I've got a new outlook on life. And I couldn't be happier about it! And I think I will finally look into taking a trip to the UK. Not sure where I'll go specifically, but I've...
  10. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: I'm the go go go type. I love being out and about, even if there is no rhyme or reason why! Q: What is the one thing you are dying to do right now?
  11. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: Neither. Whiskey, Moonshine, or Rum. Can't stand beer, makes me gag! And wine makes me whine 'cause it gives me a headache. Can't drink Tequila either unless I am at home alone ... I tend to lose my clothes ... :p Q: What is your favorite thing to come home to?
  12. Piink

    What is making you SAD right now...

    This news story ... Kids killing kids. Not sure if it is sad or sicking or both. Ugh!
  13. Piink

    Makeup Tips and Ideas!

    I love indie brands of makeup such as Geek Chic ... You cannot deny the awesomeness!!
  14. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    Love, Love, Love Edgar Allen Poe. :wubu: A: Nope, I just stare at cake sites all day trying to figure out just how in the hell I am going to make my favorite! Some of those people are f'n talented!! :bow: Q: What is your favorite style of food?
  15. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: Time for me to quit crying and get my fat ass out of the house! Oh, and it is 2:53 PM (Eastern) Q: Who is your favorite author?
  16. Piink

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    You're adorable!! And I love that bridle! My pretty girl had a bridle with pink bling on the browband and noseband. :( Missing her so much right now.
  17. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: You! 'Cause your awesome. :D Q: What is you favorite flavor of cake?
  18. Piink

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Bruno Mars- When I was your man
  19. Piink

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    The sound of a thunderstorm rolling in. We have a tin-roofed porch and there is nothing more soothing than the rain beating down. Just not a fan of hail and hoping we don't get any!
  20. Piink

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: I'm only 23, but I love the sound of old records. We have this bar set up (looks like a mock fireplace) and I love it! Nothing beats a Southern Christmas with a good ol' record!! Q: Do you like things that are considered "old school" by your generation?