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  1. Piink

    Wanting to hit the beach ... But, no swimsuit.

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm not really a fan of Tankinis. I've always had issues with them. Hoping to go out this weekend and see if I can find one locally. Keeping my fingers crossed! I'll also check out Lands End.
  2. Piink

    What do you like to go out and do as a couple?

    Boyfriend and I are both in our 20's. He turns 22 this weekend and I will be 23 in July. We rarely go out anywhere. He WAS super shy but is finally coming out of his shell and wanting to do more things as well. Right now, we want to only go out as a couple and when he finds his feet, bring...
  3. Piink

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    IC ... I cleaned out my closet of things that don't fit and I'm down to 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, and 10 shirts and a winter jacket. I went from a FULL closet to just a few hangers and 1 drawer with my pants/jeans. Out of 5 drawers only 1 is full. And 3 pairs of...
  4. Piink

    Wanting to hit the beach ... But, no swimsuit.

    I'm ready to go to the beach. But I have NO idea where to buy an AFFORDABLE swimsuit. I need something to minimize my tummy and thighs. I cannot spend $60+ on a swimsuit. Where can I find an affordable one that will make me look fab!?
  5. Piink

    New Years outfits.... What are you wearing ladies??

    If I stay home - Pink Plaid pajama bottoms, a white cami, and a pair of white socks. If I go out to my nephews for a bonfire - denim shorts, a camo tee, and a pair of flip-flops. I go to out my my boyfriend - Skinny jeans, my new green on shoulder top, and (hopefully if I get some for...
  6. Piink

    Bra Shopping is so frustrating! Ugh! Pointy Boobs?? WTH!

    I got fitted a week or so ago and decided to go bra shopping. I got some really nice bras, but I noticed once I got home how they all had outward pointing boobs ... o.O Just what I want to sport around ... Cock-eyed Madonna Bras ... Can I fix them or do I have to go buy more bras?? :mad:
  7. Piink

    Tell me about your 'dream' store ...

    A friend of mine (who is in high school) is doing a project. It's about her dream job. She wants to own a clothing store ... A plus-size clothing store. She wants to know what plus size women want in their store? She is a large and in charge type of girl, so I think it is a great job for her to...
  8. Piink

    I love his facial hair, but...

    Gotcha! In that case, I second what CarlaSixx says. Conditioner should help. After he applies the conditioner put a warm towel over it. Let it set for a few minutes then remove and rinse. I've got thick hair and I'll do that once a week and my hair is super soft!!
  9. Piink

    I love his facial hair, but...

    My boyfriend hates facial hair so I don't have to worry about it! He has let it grow out before when he was sick. I hated snuggling up with him. He was standing in the bathroom and I walked in and just handed him a razor. He got the hint, lol. But I have dated others with it, and I HATED it...
  10. Piink

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    CarlaSixx - Looks great on you! Not so much on Mr. Cruise, though. {Not into Tom Cruise, at all. He gives me the heebie-jeebies!} IC ... Tomorrow is Operation: Closet Cleanup ... Why? I'm still holding onto clothes I will never fit in again. Size 15/16 jeans? I haven't worn those since my 8th...
  11. Piink

    Buying Used Clothes

    I love thrifting! I usually go about once every 3 months. I've found great things. Shirts that come from department stores, stuff I'd wear out clubbing, and my favorite shorts. Last year, all of my Christmas clothes came from thrift stores (my choice). I grew up with my family having very...
  12. Piink

    Girls, do you ever start feeling great about yourself, and then one outing kills it?

    I'm sorry you feel terrible. I am the same way. When everyone is having a great time, so am I. But when people have fun at my expense, I break down. I think I am going to start a journal. I'm going to find a quote about accepting yourself, everyday and put them into a journal and then write...
  13. Piink

    Alert- Fashion Bug Is Closing Some Stores

    I hope the one near me isn't closing! I love that place. When I was in school that was the only place I could get clothes!! Well, besides Wal-Mart. :rolleyes: And, if they do close that means my friend who works there will lose her job! No good! :mad:
  14. Piink

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    I swear it's ridiculous!! A friend knows how to sew, so maybe I'll just buy the supplies and have her do one. A custom one from a specialty store would be about $300+ :eek: ... This poor chunky monkey cannot afford that! lol IC I also want a sweater dress? Why? I have no idea. Florida +...
  15. Piink

    Girls, do you ever start feeling great about yourself, and then one outing kills it?

    Thanks. =] I'm trying so hard, it's three steps forward and two steps back it seems. When I was in school it never bothered me, at least if it did, I never let it show by breaking down and crying (like I do now). I was always quick to put them off there pedestal. But, it also made me an angry...
  16. Piink

    Girls, do you ever start feeling great about yourself, and then one outing kills it?

    Today, while out at the bank with my Dad, some wiley old coot pulls up in a truck, never mind he ran a stop sign, didn't slow down over the speed bumps, parked in a fire lane, and really did not want to let me walk in front of him in the pedestrian cross-walk even though I was ALREADY there, and...
  17. Piink

    Trendy Jeans in sizes 26/28 - Where to find?

    Thanks for the suggestions! =]
  18. Piink

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    IC I am dying for some more heels and some ankle booties. I don't care if my ankles hurt. I just wish my boyfriend was about 3" taller so I wouldn't be taller then him when wearing them. He gets "short-man syndrome" when I do! :rolleyes:. And, I've been dying to find a corset in my size. And it...
  19. Piink

    Strapless Bra Dilemma

    Thanks for the suggestions =] I was a 44D, but my size has changed and now I am a 46DD. But I want to get re-measured just to make sure. I had quit wearing regular bras, and started only wear sports bras. I got really down after my brother died and just "let myself go". Thankfully, my boyfriend...
  20. Piink

    Strapless Bra Dilemma

    (Don't want to de-rail Mcbeth's bra topic) My boyfriend got me a couple of cute shirts that are halter tops. I also have a couple of strapless tops that I love, but rarely wear for the fact I cannot go without wearing a bra. I don't like my boobs flopping around wildly, lol. Plus, I don't...