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  1. Johnny718Bravo

    Barack Obama: The worst President in history?

    George W. Bush is the WORST president in history. I find it so funny that people are blaming Obama for the mess that Bush made and left for the adults to clean up. And the exact same people were SILENT when the Bush administration used the Constitution as toilet paper. Comedy, indeed.
  2. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

  3. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

  4. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Wow. All these golf jokes. Because Bush never played golf or took a vacation. And look at the easy job he left Obama. Wait a minute...
  5. Johnny718Bravo

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    1. If churches and temples can be built NEAR ground zero (not ON, as Fox just loves to say...), then mosques can be built there as well. 2. It's not a mosque. It's a cultural center with a prayer space inside. That's like saying a hospital with a prayer space inside is a church. 3. Stop...
  6. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    I'm Hooked! Great track!
  7. Johnny718Bravo

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Wow you totally ignored FOX! Smooth.
  8. Johnny718Bravo

    What is Obama's religion?

    This is a non-issue. He's the President. And the sky is blue.
  9. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

  10. Johnny718Bravo

    What is Obama's religion?

    1. Obama has already stated that he is a Christian. Many, many times. Maybe if your head was removed from your *ss, you would have heard him. 2. If Obama, or any other Presidential candidate, practiced any other religion, it WOULDN'T MATTER. Where does it say that the President has to be...
  11. Johnny718Bravo

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Chris Rock once told a joke about distractions. This is one of them. The ones who are spearheading this hate campaign against the cultural center is the GOP and Fox News (oops, that's the same thing!) Some people are all in a rage about this building...but are completely silent when the...
  12. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

  13. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Anyone who takes Palin seriously needs their head examined :-)
  14. Johnny718Bravo

    Olbermann on "ground zero mosque" NOT

    Now that my friend is comedy :-)
  15. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    The Roots - What They Do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RMr9atGZLY
  16. Johnny718Bravo

    Olbermann on "ground zero mosque" NOT

    Because it's a FREE COUNTRY! Also, it's not a mosque, it's a cultural center. Even if they did want to build a mosque, they have the freedom too. Remember that little thing called the First Amendment? The Constitution? Also, since Timothy McVeigh and Scott Roeder were such good Christians...
  17. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    God I love Jon Stewart and The Daily Show http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-august-11-2010/deductible-me