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  1. Johnny718Bravo

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: 9.5/10 The Other Guys: 10/10 I just may see them again. I haven't had that much fun in the theaters since The Dark Knight.
  2. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Oh yeah, because the Bushes NEVER EVER took a damn vacation!
  3. Johnny718Bravo

    Vegas 2010

    Then they need NEW DJs :-) Get some new blood to play some different music. But will they listen...
  4. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    I'm not worthy. You have great taste :-)
  5. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

  6. Johnny718Bravo

    The Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B Thread

    Love these! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QEJqAfAMzU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtK9CXqEUGY
  7. Johnny718Bravo

    Vegas 2010

    Cat: thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! :-) I'm giving you a standing ovation. I hope they learn from this for Next Year.
  8. Johnny718Bravo

    Vegas 2010

    This was my first year in Vegas and I had a blast! My only itty bitty complaint was the TERRIBLE DJ from Saturday night 12-4. Ugh. Other than that, I'll be back there next year!
  9. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    This is what I think when I see those "Miss Me Yet?" shirts and signs.
  10. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Don't you just love truth in advertising?
  11. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    I love it when people support BP just to bash Obama. Real smart...
  12. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Yes I'm very embarrassed that we finally have two adults as President and Vice President :-)
  13. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Oh yes. Because the oil spill is all Barack Obama and Joe Biden's fault. RIGHT! BP is just an innocent party. Leave them alone! :-)
  14. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Funny, this guy has been quiet lately...
  15. Johnny718Bravo

    You Know You Love 'Em - Political Pics and Jokes Thread!

    Seriously, that's what's happening right now. "Obama! My dvd player won't work!" Those rats on the bottom left were priceless :-)