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  1. Johnny718Bravo

    Can you joke around?

    Yes it does! I've been called a chubby chaser ever since I was in Junior High. I would get jokes even in college, but it was OK. I never got offended, I just asked that they didn't make fun of my girlfriend at the time. Then again, bbw or skinny, who would allow jokes about their gf? I guess...
  2. Johnny718Bravo

    Size Positive Celebs/Role Models

    She's so beautiful. Another actress I like is Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray. Absolutely gorgeous.
  3. Johnny718Bravo

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Glad to see you here too Heather :-)
  4. Johnny718Bravo

    BBW Vegas Bash 2008

    I'll keep mine crossed for you too :-)
  5. Johnny718Bravo

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thank you Green Eyed and bigsexy. I'm glad to be here :-)
  6. Johnny718Bravo

    BBW Vegas Bash 2008

    This is the one I've been waiting for. I missed last year's and the year before. This will be my first bash (finally lol) I'm looking forward to it.
  7. Johnny718Bravo

    Sista Big Bones

    I really like this song and I really like Monique :D
  8. Johnny718Bravo

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Matt Nickname: Johnny Bravo Age: 29 Location: Long Island City, Queens, NY Profession: Insurance Music: Everything except country Likes: BBWs, movies, music, reading, theater, museums, dances/clubbing, travel, pool, video games, bowling and pool, making new friends...