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  1. savethemurlocs11

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I'm sorry :( But look at the brightside. You could have been like my loser ex and embezzled over ten grand from your employer and then get arrested for it. So, at least its probably not that. I hope everything works out for you hun **hugs**
  2. savethemurlocs11

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Very nice :D
  3. savethemurlocs11

    "I'm a BBW and I like BHM, why is that such a bad thing Thread"

    See I like really big guys or fit guys.... I just dont really like guys in the 250-300 range. But everyone is different and there are exceptions to my general rule. lol
  4. savethemurlocs11

    What are you happy about today?

    Bitter haters thinking they can bring me down. :happy:
  5. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Lol, I cosplayed as Action Bastard last year.
  6. savethemurlocs11

    What are you happy about today?

    Haha I'm a collector so I literally have copies of everything XD What can I say, I do well at garage sales. ENough so to have 3 copies of Earthbound and a complete copy of EVO. XD I have no life :3
  7. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    See, Georgie's character has me ROLLING! XD
  8. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    The dubbing in those aren't horrible at all. Its when you get into awesome underrated shit like Mnemosyne and there are two tollerable voice actors and the rest make you want to kill babies... Oh, but the dub of SHin-Chan is arguable the best dub ever XD
  9. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    I agree. I have a deep dark hatred for shows like TBBT, How I met your mother, and Glee. They're just not, well, good (to me anyways).
  10. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    :bow: THANK YOU lol..... Glad I'm not the only one who saw that and was a) quite disturbed. and b) Nerd raged over a shoddy comic with some copy/paste memes....
  11. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    True. But he';s yet to prove his nerd-dom. :P Misuse of overdone memes say nothing.
  12. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    I'm a blunt lady, so I'll just say it... You're not the biggest nerd here bc of how you severely raped memes that were cool like a couple years ago and used them in a rather unusual manner. :P I mean nothing bad by this. But yeah. lol
  13. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    I nerd rage so hard when people say Mnemosyne is hentai. ITS NOT :doh:
  14. savethemurlocs11

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    I get in a cross between that and majoras mask.... Depends on my mood I suppose.
  15. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Yeah eff Morgan Webb. I am an all natural F cup and I am in no way exploited or sexualized. She's just pissed because she's flat. Inferiority complex much? I think yes.
  16. savethemurlocs11

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Girls like Jessica Chobot who played a video game, like, once. And suddenly the gaming community like jizzes so hard over her and calls her a girl gamer. Um, no. And people who call themselves anime fans when all they watch is Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece (or the rest of the dubs they air on...
  17. savethemurlocs11

    The Music Thread

    The Mountain Goats and My Brightest Diamond make me all kinds of happy :)
  18. savethemurlocs11

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    I dislike when people shove political views in your face......especially when they have their facts wrong/don't know what they're talking about. Sorry, had to post.....somewhat relevant considering it was voting day here XD
  19. savethemurlocs11

    Geeks and Nerds

    Oh, I wouldve bought it if i had the cash. Hurray being a broke college lady XD