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  1. BBWModel

    The creepy picture/gif-thread (don't like? don't look)

    Yes! That's her...
  2. BBWModel

    The creepy picture/gif-thread (don't like? don't look)

    I forget her name, but she was on Knots Landing back in the 80's.
  3. BBWModel

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    This picture is full of win!!! CUTE couple at the Broncos game!! WOO HOO!!! GO BRONCOS!!
  4. BBWModel

    !! Happy Birthday Green Eyed Fairy !!

    Happy birthday pretty fairy lady!! :wubu:
  5. BBWModel


    Batman :p
  6. BBWModel

    How Old Is Your Avatar?

    Mine is about 2 months old. I just really liked the way the pic came out and I hadn't changed my avatar in a while.
  7. BBWModel

    Irrational phobias. . .

    Ferris wheels...hate 'em! I can go on roller coasters all day long, but keep me away from the ferris wheel!
  8. BBWModel

    Happy Birthday George!!

    I missed it too! Happy belated birthday! :bounce:
  9. BBWModel

    Things Overheard-

    LOL...oh this is just great! Thanks for the laugh!!
  10. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    She's even hotter in person! ;)
  11. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    It wasn't last year either. I think it will be again once all the construction is done. Looks like it will be done by next year. My hubby and son said it was still soooo much fun!! Worth the drive from Columbus!!
  12. BBWModel


    The Ten Commandments
  13. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    The girls and I went bowling on Saturday night! MUCH fun was had!!! Ashely was not happy with the results of that round of bowling! LOL
  14. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Charlie and his dad went to Mighigan fan day in Ann Arbor on Sunday. I couldn't go because I had to work...BOOOOO!! Yeah, my kid is a stud! LOL
  15. BBWModel

    Posting about Nice Sightings?

    I totally agree!
  16. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Wow...great drag queen! I don't think I would have guessed that one. He looks very fem. And it goes without saying, you look AWESOME as well! ;)
  17. BBWModel


    When Harry Met Sally
  18. BBWModel

    Tall guys: Please post pix kthnxbye

    OMG!!! Tall, HOT menz everywhere!!! :wubu:
  19. BBWModel

    Tall guys: Please post pix kthnxbye

    WOW...you went there...already. THANKS!!! :p
  20. BBWModel

    Any Musicans Here

    HEY!! Drummers are NOT nutty...they are just...unique! (This from the mother of a REALLY cool drummer! :D)