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  1. BBWModel

    Farm Town nerdiness

    I miss my favorite harvester!! The people I have been getting lately are slow and LAME!! They keep quiting!! :mad:
  2. BBWModel

    Do you HATE your job?

    I just want to clarify my response. I don't hate my job, just the company I work for. The actual work I do, I really do enjoy. Just need to do it at a better place! LOL
  3. BBWModel

    I don't have a tattoo...

    Yes, it's a cherry blossom. I wanted something for my son, but something that looked kinda girly, since I am kinda girly. LOL
  4. BBWModel

    I don't have a tattoo...

    Everyone told me the one on my foot was going to hurt like hell, and I just thought it felt...uncomfortable is the best word. The hibiscus flower on my upper back hurt a lot worse in my opinion. I did have color and shading on my back, so I think that was the main difference. My...
  5. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Great picture! I have always wanted to go to the Empire State building!! Ummmm, excuse me sir...do you EVER take a bad picture?!? HOT!!!! ;)
  6. BBWModel

    2009 Singles Thread

    Exatcly! It's call a first impression! The only way to make one on the internet is to spell correctly and use proper grammar. I am NOT an lol cat!! :p
  7. BBWModel

    I don't have a tattoo...

    Stating an opinion would be, "I personally don't like tattoos, and don't intend to get one". What you said was all people who get tattoos are mindless idiots who can't think for themselves. I was extremely insulted and offended, as I got my tattoos for very personal reasons. One of my...
  8. BBWModel

    2009 NFL Thread

    Oh, Spankster. My condolences...and I sincerely mean that! I wouldn't wish this guy on any of my friends teams! LOL You were the first person I thought of when I saw this story on the morning news, and I just had to let you know, I'm holding your team in my prayers right now. :eek:
  9. BBWModel


    Kurt Russell
  10. BBWModel

    Farm Town nerdiness

    I love Farmtown!! I am on my way to level 30.
  11. BBWModel

    I don't have a tattoo...

    I'm just not even going to say anything here because what I'm thinking is probably going to get me banned, and since my mom is a moderator, also get my mouth washed out with soap AND sent to my room without dinner! GRRRRR :mad:
  12. BBWModel

    I want to have sex at the Jersey Bash! Sign up here!

    Ohhhhh...wrestling with Katie for Mini?!? I am soooo there!! ;) Why don't we just call it a draw and we can both have him? :p
  13. BBWModel

    Happy Birthday Jon Blaze

    Happy Birthday!!! Wish we could go to Cheesecake Factory again!! That would be a very YUMMY birthday!! Hope the b-day is AWESOME!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
  14. BBWModel

    Drift Racing ftw...

    Oh I love rally too!! I was soooo sad when Colin McRae died. He was my fav...being Scottish and all! LOL
  15. BBWModel


    Robert DeNiro
  16. BBWModel

    Drift Racing ftw...

    This is a friend of mine, Dado, drifting the banana car! (BMW M3) LOL
  17. BBWModel

    ANOTHER fatty car thread!

    Yeah, the newer ones are better. They are very comfy.
  18. BBWModel

    Show us your favorite shoes

    Ha Ha Ha...a girl after my own heart!! ;)
  19. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    That's ok, you don't have to be able to spell to hang with us! :p
  20. BBWModel

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Yes, it is all your fault!! THANK YOU!! ;)