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  1. MsBrightside

    The thread for random single confessions!

    Yeah, Valentine's Day sucks, but screw it and have a great birthday anyway. There's always President's Day! LOL. I hope you're not suffering from the kind of deep, dark depression and excessive misery that would make you do something you might regret. :p IC that I have a crush on our...
  2. MsBrightside

    A Matter of Thirds

    Thanks--I've missed you and some of the other awesome people around here!
  3. MsBrightside

    What are you happy about today?

    I'm glad you all had such a good time. :) Although it makes my Friday night in the band hall serving Dr. Thunder to a bunch of middle schoolers seem even more pathetic by comparison. :p
  4. MsBrightside

    This is the thread to say nice shit to Xyantha about her new job!

    Belated congratulations, Xyantha. :) I hope your new colleagues appreciate how lucky they were to get you!
  5. MsBrightside

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    When one hasn't posted in weeks, I think the classiest move one can make is trolling the gentlemen's picture thread... I second this. :) These are all awesome! Personally I like the 2nd one the best because you look like you're having so much fun, but you really nailed that haughty...
  6. MsBrightside

    What are you making?

    I'm curious how this turned out--I've never put cinnamon in chili before. :eek: I made banana cake with cream cheese frosting and walnuts; all from scratch. It's a simple recipe, but very tasty. :)
  7. MsBrightside

    Post an Old Music Video from "Back in the Day"

    I could be wrong, but I don't think this one's been posted yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r69KkHALbk Hearing this always takes me straight back to college and the unique feeling of squelching through an inch or two of beer on the floor at a frat party.
  8. MsBrightside

    A Matter of Thirds

    Haha! Nice one. :p Yeah! A couple guesses: 415. Wind (downwind, windlass, and headwind) 416. Ball (spitball, sour ball, slimeball)
  9. MsBrightside

    A Matter of Thirds

    Perfect--you nailed it!! Extra brownie points for being so safety-conscious. :p
  10. MsBrightside

    Needing Advice :/

    LOL! I'm so glad I set my soda down on the table before reading this. It's good to know that we can always count on you for insightful comments like these. :p
  11. MsBrightside

    What are you happy about today?

    Congratulations, Xy! I would be a total basket case after FOUR rounds of interviews--you are quite the corporate warrior! The competition thing made me laugh. I haven't had a first-author paper published in over 10 years, and someone is still keeping track of the number of times one...
  12. MsBrightside

    What 'derp' / 'doh' moment did you have today?

    Haha--been there, done that. Many times. It's even worse when other people notice before you do. :p
  13. MsBrightside

    What made you LOL today?

    I was straightening up between high school algebra class periods today and found a pair of boxer-briefs on the floor under someone's desk. :blink:
  14. MsBrightside

    Post your favorite...anything

    Halloween candy: Peanut M&M's, Reese's peanut butter cups, and mini-Snickers bars. For anyone who's interested, here's a poll on favorite Halloween candies in the US by state. I'm not sure what West Virginians were thinking when they chose Oreo cookies. :huh: And I was surprised to see so...
  15. MsBrightside

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    The headless horseman is not nearly as terrifying as people say, although he is a bit irritating: he keeps complaining that his clothes are itchy.
  16. MsBrightside

    What song is currently stuck in your head?

    Oh, yes--definitely! My favorite version of "Ride of the Valkyries." :p
  17. MsBrightside

    Can't keep trying. I give up.

    You know you're terrible, right? :p Although I have to give you credit where it's due: the level of drama you've created successfully rivals that of my 12-year-old, which is not an easy feat. If you redirected your feelings about anime to choosing an outfit for school in the morning, the...
  18. MsBrightside

    Your Wild Life

    Interesting--I'm not sure I've ever seen a live snail outdoors. But on our Gulf beaches, it is pretty easy to find shells like this: I think they're called moon snails, but I've never seen one of the shells with a snail still inside it. People think our gators are bad, but at least they...
  19. MsBrightside

    Hallowe'en Thread IV: The Cash-in Sequel

    This is cliche, but Halloween wouldn't be the same without it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga98cIrwW9k
  20. MsBrightside

    A Matter of Thirds

    Sometimes the answers are proper nouns. I think the original rules have been stretched a bit. #219 and 309 were Penny's and Amaranthine's puzzles, but I can tell you that you're on the right track with #327. :) It's just not the answer I had in mind. I'm really glad you dropped in to make a...