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  1. KaliCurves

    A Bad Day!

    I have to agree with Ivy here. In fantasy I love growing and I love the things that come with it. I’m 5’5 and 330 lbs at the moment. I love the thought of eating till I’m immobile, BUT In reality this isn’t true. I also get frustrated when I can’t do things I use too. Like taking a bath for...
  2. KaliCurves

    With or Without.....Makeup!

    You are beauitful, but that fish is scary looking!
  3. KaliCurves

    A Shout Out To Love

    I'm in love. I'm so much in love that it hurts. I miss him on a daily basis. We are on different sides of the US him East me West. I love to wach him sleeping. We turn on our webcams at night just so I can fall asleep to the sound of him snoring. I can't wait to fall asleep in his arms every...
  4. KaliCurves

    advise, please....

  5. KaliCurves

    With or Without.....Makeup!

    Before when I was younger I wouldnt leave my room till I had my makeup on, now as and Adult, Im getting better about not wearing any. I even let my Boyfriend the first time we was together see me with out makeup, but then again he makes me feel so special an loved I knew it wouldnt make a...
  6. KaliCurves

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Im loving this thread. I love all the photos, its nice to see people HAPPY together.:wubu:
  7. KaliCurves

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    My Haunty and I. I can't wait to have more photos of us together!:wubu:
  8. KaliCurves

    Lingerie thats not!

    EVIL!!! Well then I will torch Eeyore at the next bon fire! ;)
  9. KaliCurves

    Lingerie thats not!

    You screen capped me? OMG! See if I flirt with you on cam again! :doh:
  10. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    Yup, we dont need to stinking tray tables we carry our own!
  11. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    I HAVE THE NEED FOR SPEED!!! OK and every drive thru also! :D
  12. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    ** Rolls eyes, wipes the drool from his chin** Yes I still claim you...:happy:
  13. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

  14. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    I love it when Haunted calls me fat, I think we freak people out, cause I will look at him and ask did you call me fat? and he will say yeah, and I will say ok, or I love you! LOLOL
  15. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    Oh girl we have to go out to dinner! Its the bestest!! You will have to get your own I wont share mine! LOLOLOL:blush:
  16. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    DID you just call me fat? OMG YOU SO ROCK!:kiss2:
  17. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    OMG you love dips? You have to try Red Robins, Spinach and artichoke dip, its to dieeeeeeeee for also. My boyfriend spoils me he gets them because he knows I cant resist and i eat them till I'm full and then I get my dinner and I feel guilty not eating it too! LOL I always leave way stuffed. (...
  18. KaliCurves

    Happier Bigger ?

    OMG IM SO THERE!!! Don't forget the Olive Garden Dipping sauce and bread sticks. :eat2:
  19. KaliCurves

    Lingerie thats not!

    LOL Nope he is LOTS bigger then a worm! ROFL Ooops did i just go there? LOLOLOL
  20. KaliCurves

    Lingerie thats not!

    HEHEHE My Fav!:wubu: