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  1. KaliCurves

    Being a long Distance parent

    Their divorce ended on a pretty good note actually. I have met his ex wife, we had drinks and danced together! She is letting him bring his daughter here in April to spend a week with me and my daughters. We have talked about how travel would work out, she has Aunts, and a Grandma whom Im...
  2. KaliCurves

    Being a long Distance parent

    I just wanted to put my two cents in here, since I'm the girlfriend. I will make sure he stays in contact with his daughter, and that they see each other as often as possible. I will make sure that he webcams with her as often as she wants. That he will send cards, gifts, letters, and videos...
  3. KaliCurves

    Weight Board Confessional

    And you didnt share?:(
  4. KaliCurves

    Closeted Fa's.

    Thank you for bring that to our attention, it has been fixed!!
  5. KaliCurves

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    :confused:Coming to these boards and feeling like Im being attacked for venting, when its not always the case, and yet sometimes it is.....:huh:
  6. KaliCurves

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    To my childrens sperm donor, Why do you say that our daughter is not affectionate? Is it because you are not your self and your projection your self image on her? You hurt her this morning more then you will ever know. I cant keep laying these stones that you just keep ripping up, for every 2...
  7. KaliCurves

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    Im happy that I have turned my life around and pulled myself out of a depression I was in a year ago. Im happy Im living a happy, healthier life. Im happy I have people in my life who love me and respect me. Who listen to me, and truly listen to what I say not just blow me off when I talk. Im...
  8. KaliCurves

    Metallic Leggings

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I wanna pair!!! I hope they are stretchy!!
  9. KaliCurves

    seat belts

    I have traveled several times in the past year. When they call for pre-boarding for people with disabilities, or people with small children, i step forward. If they question me, (which has never happened) I just say Im slow and require more time to get to my seat. I also have to ask for an...
  10. KaliCurves

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I am happy that I am out of my marriage/relationship of 17 years! That I know who I am, That I dont have to pretend to be something or someone Im not. That I can let loose and have fun with my kids, and not be so worried about what anyone else thinks about it. That Im not fake!!! Im...
  11. KaliCurves

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    Im happy Im here with my boyfriend and his family and friends. Im happy that I have found some one who loves me like I have never been loved, and who appericates me and who tells me that he does. Im happy that I can tell him anything and not feel silly or rejected for it. I love you baby.
  12. KaliCurves

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    This one is my fav
  13. KaliCurves

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    It will, We will, You will, YOU ARE, Yes keep beleiving, stop doubting, NOW DO IT!!! MUAH I LOVE YOU !!!! ditto!
  14. KaliCurves

    The LDR support group thread!

    I know babe, the way I discribe it is like a sweater that has been knitted. You see the sweater as a whole, and as you walk down to your plane it starts to unravel, and you see it all coming undone, and the sweater is now just a ball of thread tangled in a mess on the floor, yup thats me.
  15. KaliCurves

    The LDR support group thread!

    Wonderful thread idea, I will be posting tomorrow!!!
  16. KaliCurves

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    My own jealousy issues. Why cant I believe that a man can be kind to a women and listen to her problems with out there being more to it?? I need to get ahold of myself and my trust issues.
  17. KaliCurves

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    Never mind I have just been informed that my other half already PM'ed you!! ROFL We share a brain at times:p:p
  18. KaliCurves

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    those icons are just shortcuts, you can delete them with out it hurting anything. no need in keeping stuff on there that you dont use or dont know what it is!! lololol:p
  19. KaliCurves

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    D, Im pissed at you for not telling me your going to bring the kids home at 7 ( and hr before they normally get home, I find out from the kids 2 hrs before hand) and telling me your going to feed them dinner. Then you actually bringing them home at 7:30with pizza in hand for me to feed them...
  20. KaliCurves

    A Shout Out To Love
