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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. M

    Doubling up - by Growing Girl (SSBBW, Eating Contest, ~XWG)

    Wonderful story, nice to read... Milos
  2. M

    Prisoner Of My Tummy -by Scx (SSBBW, Eating, Stuckage, ~XWG)

    It is very nice story. I never met with such thema... Milos
  3. M

    Val (1-7) -by JBS60/Mollycoddles (~BBW, Eating Auto-eroticism, Sex, ~MWG)

    So interesting story, i'd like to see next chapters...
  4. M

    What happened - by The Owl (~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG)

    Nice imagination. It would be nice that it is my wife... Milos
  5. M

    Gem Sisters - by BigLadyLover (SSBBW, Extreme Stuffing, Lesbian Sex,Immobility. ~XWG)

    I simply love such stories. Excelent work. Please another one :-)