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  1. lizzy

    A man that can cook...Sexy???

    I think it's incredibly sexy. I totally fell head over heels for a guy that used to bring me breakfast in bed and then stayed around and fed it to me.
  2. lizzy

    BHM Weight gain stories -- your favorites?

    I think Big Beautiful Dreamer has a lot of promise. They have a story line and have a lot of feeling put into them. I haven't read Clarrisa's, but I'll look for them.
  3. lizzy


    I adore red velvet cake with buttercream frosting...the kind they make in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. The whoopie pies are great, too. The filling is made mostly from shortening and sugar.
  4. lizzy

    So, how many here ARE feeders?

    In the past, I've thought of myself as a feeder. I always enjoyed feeding people. My boyfriends always got fatter between going out and my cooking. Then I began dating a guy who turned the tables. He was already quite fat and I slowly realized he enjoyed watching me eat and gain weight. It...
  5. lizzy

    Just for Once (Dining, WG, BHM)

    You do have quite a talent. Great story and detail. Bravo!
  6. lizzy

    Best online dating?

    I don't know about bbw/fa, but I have many friends that have had good results through match.com. Four out of the five people are now in long term relationships. One of my friends is a fellow bbw and met some very nice men who were quite happy with her shape. All five have had good things to...
  7. lizzy

    How did I become the feedee?

    I know how you feel. When I started out, I was the one getting other people fat. That was until I met a really heavy guy that I soon discovered was very much interested in seeing me fatten up as well. So the tables were turned (pardon the pun) and I gained almost 25 pounds during that...
  8. lizzy

    Growing Boy

    Another good story. It sounds as if you have some personal experience being stuffed.
  9. lizzy

    Turkey Day - by BBD (~BHM, Eating, Stuffing. Romance, ~SWG)

    Wonderful story! You really captured the thanksgiving tradition of stuffing yourself like the thanksgiving turkey. Right now...I know exactly how your character feels...beyond full : ) Again, good job.
  10. lizzy

    OMG..to DIE for Baked Cheese Tortellini

    A girlfriend of mine used to make them but with alfredo sauce from Knorrs. She also added a can of peas and cut up some ham. It was delicious. :eat2: But, Tina's recipe sounds quite nice if I had a little more time. Sounds yummy, Tina.
  11. lizzy

    Everyone loves a video!

    Interesting play on words. Loved the vid.
  12. lizzy

    Torrid etc..

    I was in a store called Hot Topic which has a lot of club wear, rock t-shirts, and gothic fun type clothing. Unfortunately, no plus sizes. I discovered that they have a sister story called TORRID. It can also be found online at www.torrid.com. They have some cool things for work and hanging...
  13. lizzy

    What are you CRAVING right now?

    Melanie - Someone to come over to do the laundry sounds like a good idea...it gives you more time to do what's important like eat. :) I ate so much at lunch today - 2 bowls of potato cheddar bacon soup and a big wrap that I feel like I'm ready to pop.
  14. lizzy

    It Really Happened...

    Pink, sometimes my life seems to be a cartoon...but that's what makes it more fun.
  15. lizzy

    Does being in a relationship make you fat?

    I think so. When I got into a long term relationship...I stopped going to the gym (143) then two years later (160) then some stresses from moving in together and a new job and lack of sleep (192)...then happy again (206). Talk about ups and ups :eat1: I just keep getting fatter and fatter.
  16. lizzy

    When is big, TOO BIG

    I really don't have a size limit. An old boyfriend was just brushing 400 lbs. I met him online, but you couldn't tell how heavy he was by his picture. He was very muscular from the chest up. When I met him for the first time, I noticed that he was hiding under his coat a huge round belly...
  17. lizzy

    what is it like to 'be with' an enourmously obese woman

    Well, Garrry, I've never had experience with a woman but one of my boyfriends weighed just about 400 pounds. And, he was amazing.:)
  18. lizzy

    It Really Happened...

    You're right...nice- they are not. That's why I don't like dealing with them. You'd think they'd be a little more tackful considering they're all different shapes and sizes themselves. Oh, well... Thanks for the welcome. : )
  19. lizzy

    What are you CRAVING right now?

    You're all making me very hungry :eat2:
  20. lizzy

    It Really Happened...

    Last month, I went out to my parent's anniversary party. I didn't realize until that night that I barely fit into the formal dress I had chosen to wear weeks ago. So, I bought one of those all in one girdles from Fredricks of Hollywood and I was able to zip up the dress - barely. I felt like...