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  1. lizzy

    What Food Makes YOU Gain?

    These days it seems like just breathing...lol
  2. lizzy

    Dealing in Pounds by kosen (Stuffing, ~Sex, ~~WG)

    Would love to see another installment of this story. Well done.
  3. lizzy

    Sophie Ships Out - by Gus7021 (~BBW, ~~WG, eating, realistic)

    Wonderful plot. Looking forward in great anticipation to a future installment - and to your character fattening a great deal more :eat1:
  4. lizzy

    Animated Tiny & Edie: Milkshakes

    Loved it! Great job!
  5. lizzy

    Admirer's Thread

    I agree with mollycoddles. "Sarah Makes a Choice" is a very good story. It brings me back to the old cartoon where the pig is put in an eating machine and fattened up.
  6. lizzy

    BHM teacher

    I had such a crush on my high school English teacher. He had a big, round belly. Loved when he took off his jacket...what a profile.:wubu:
  7. lizzy

    Letters To Pow'R'Pump'R" 1-2 - by scx (~BBW, ~Sex, ~MWG)

    I love this...what a great format.
  8. lizzy

    Leather Corsets, anyone?

    Thanks for the tip.
  9. lizzy

    Check out these abs!

    Congrats! Keep up the good work.
  10. lizzy

    Lizzy's Thread

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I'm writing a new story...a continuation of "The Manhattan Getaway". It's working title right now is "Second Chances". I hope to have it posted soon. It's kind of taking a life of its own...like a lot of my recent stories. But, you can...
  11. lizzy

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    I just bought pant extenders. It's a loop that goes around your jean or pant button and has a button attached for your pants to hook around. I love them. I can still wear some of the pants I've outgrown in the waist.
  12. lizzy

    A shiny new BHM

    Welcome aboard. Love to see much more of you in the future.
  13. lizzy

    downside of feeling fat

    Actually, I tend to just feel really tired and heavy...then ponder the weight loss thing. But, then decide not to. Funny thing is that I seem to be more attractive with men "of quality" (not the ones who just want to jump your bones and say goodbye) now that I have a little meat (well a...
  14. lizzy

    Lizzy's Thread

    Moderator's note: This thread is dedicated to the fans of Lizzy, a member of the Dimension's Writers Guild who has designated the following tales as representative of her work: Manhattan Getaway This is actually a trilogy - three related tories in one long It may be accessed by using the...
  15. lizzy

    Your biggest weightgain

    I can see her point - and a good point at that. :)
  16. lizzy

    How many of you have told your significant other about dimensions?

    My husband is not an FA although doesn't mind a gal with a little meat on her bones. He thinks my "obsession" is odd. But, then again some of his "obsessions" are strange. To each his/her own...
  17. lizzy

    Hell's Kitchen

    Best of luck.