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  1. Canonista

    Bikini Waxing

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bikini_waxing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_removal
  2. Canonista

    Bikini Waxing

    Never in the history of all the internet has a thread needed pics more than now!:D:D:D
  3. Canonista

    Bikini Waxing

    How many treatments did it take to make the hair go away permanently?
  4. Canonista

    Bikini Waxing

    As a man I like bald on a woman's private parts, too. It's not "prepubescent" to me at all. It's VERY womanly! I'm curious about laser hair removal. When I don't keep it trimmed up it looks like I'm smuggling an Ewok in my shorts. I don't want to be completely bald, just neatly groomed. A...
  5. Canonista

    Teacher/professor crushes

    Was it a crush, or did you actually have your way with them?:p It's only skanky if you follow through...:eek:
  6. Canonista

    Teacher/professor crushes

    Please don't stand so close to me....
  7. Canonista

    "The Hangover"

    I saw The Hangover today. Not a chick flick. :p I liked it! Mike Tyson was hilarious. Every scene had something funny. There was so much good comedy in the movie that the trailer didn't even scratch the surface. Stay for the credits....:eek:
  8. Canonista

    High fructose corn syrup vs. Sugar?

    I also forgot Dublin Dr. Pepper. Bottled in Dublin, Texas, you can order some cane sugar sweetened Dr. Pepper at their site and have some shipped to your door.
  9. Canonista

    What do you do for a living?

    What I look at all day long... Hazards of the job.
  10. Canonista

    What do you do for a living?

    Nice lookin' dog! The dog looks like it's getting used as the breeders intended. (They're outdoor dogs. Waterfowl hunting, specifically.) Given your screen name, you could get into psychotherapy!
  11. Canonista

    High fructose corn syrup vs. Sugar?

    If the import tarriffs on cane sugar and subsidies for domestic corn growers were removed cane sugar would be cheaper than corn syrup.
  12. Canonista

    Rep whines

    <-----Volunteers to be photographer...:wubu:
  13. Canonista

    Rep whines

    We'll have to complain to the source. Apparently they've cut back production. It took me just a few minutes to max out my rep, and I don't recall giving out that much.
  14. Canonista

    The cheating spouse's cheat sheet

    Yeah, but he's got a woman who'll keep him drained dry and he would barely be able to stand by the time you're done with him. He wouldn't have any strength left in him to cheat...:p
  15. Canonista

    The cheating spouse's cheat sheet

    Unless you're the guy she's about to marry. I doubt you'll find many guys willing to overlook either. Girlfriend bumping and grinding with other man = end of relationship right then and there.
  16. Canonista

    The cheating spouse's cheat sheet

    My ex wife's maid of honor brought her boyfriend to our wedding and her husband to the reception.:eek: My protests were silenced with great venom as I watched the pack of jackal co-workers push her toward a man. I also strongly suspect my ex was encouraged to cheat on me by the same group of...
  17. Canonista

    Rep whines

    Me too. Tag, you're it.
  18. Canonista

    Rep whines

    Now I know where you hide your toys!
  19. Canonista

    High fructose corn syrup vs. Sugar?

    Find yourself some Pepsi or Mountain Dew "Throwback". Both are made with real cane sugar. It's supposed to be a limited time offer, but if we buy enough they'll see the demand for it and keep it on the market.