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  1. Canonista

    The cheating spouse's cheat sheet

    Men cheat alone, women cheat in groups. A "girl's night out" is never just a time for women to go out and have fun. One of them is ALWYAS in a "bad" relationship and the other women are pushing that woman toward other men. When a man goes out to the bar by himself, he NEVER wants to...
  2. Canonista

    Complete *mental lapse moment

    I have an honest-to-goodness brain injury and I like retard jokes. Sometimes you just gotta peer out the window of the short bus and laugh at the scenery.
  3. Canonista

    Can I make an appeal? Just one, then I swear I won't mention it again...

    The one I want to use got taken down by the mods. It demonstrates my opinion of Barry most succinctly, but with SS runes in it some people had a panic attack thinking I was promoting naziism. Oh well, I still use it at another site.:p
  4. Canonista

    Can I make an appeal? Just one, then I swear I won't mention it again...

    I like this site. HP was an added bonus and a great way to probe the minds of people who were polar opposites to me yet immensely likeable. I'd like it to come back, but so long as I can gaze lustfully upon the OP's avatar I suppose I'm good to go.:p
  5. Canonista

    fighting child erotica

    Under the former "WEBE WEB" company, the "dash teens" (melanie-model, teen-model-marie, etc.) were shot with cheap "point & shoot" cameras and there was at least one instance where the photographer laid a pistol in plain view, apparently to intimidate a parent who wanted to supervise a shoot...
  6. Canonista

    Secret Turn-ons

    My secret turn-on (or not-so-secret) is women who touch. I love a woman who'll reach out and touch my arm as we're talking, or run her fingers across my shoulders. With just the slightest touch a woman can get me to do just about anything I wouldn't otherwise do. I'm like putty in her hands.
  7. Canonista


    Heads don't grow back....:p
  8. Canonista

    Queer Films

    I just got the DVD yesterday. It's still an outstanding movie. Why haven't you folks seen it?
  9. Canonista

    Goulash, from a gun board.

    Sure... Discriminate against the large pic... I thought this was a size acceptance message board! :p:p:p
  10. Canonista

    Goulash, from a gun board.

    I found this on a firearms-related message board. It looked good enough to share. Apparently every bowl of goulash I've ever had was very, very wrong. Properly educated, I gotta go grocery shopping and find me some paprika! :eat2:
  11. Canonista

    The Gay Bar, Gay Bar, Gay bar!!!!

    Is it too soon to say "I love you"? :p
  12. Canonista

    Rep whines

    Combine the two. "Will mastrubate for pity rep" I'd say that'd be worth at LEAST a couple cans of rep right there! :p
  13. Canonista

    The Gay Bar, Gay Bar, Gay bar!!!!

    With a bar like that I might build a small shrine for you too, and I'm straight! I'll make it a bigger shrine if you promise to have chicken tender dipping sauce that's hot enough to need a Surgeon General's warning and Haz-Mat training to serve it.
  14. Canonista

    Gays 'helped to be straight'.

    Sounds like Iris Robinson is a closet lesbian desparate to do anything to keep her feelings locked deep inside herself. Her fear of being exposed motivates her to go to extraordinary lengths to reenforce her facade of hetrosexuality. I wouldn't be suprised if her deep ties to religion and her...
  15. Canonista

    Unfortunately there are gay bashers in our own midst...

    Bill en route for new keyboard. This one's about to die after the Coke I spit on it from laughing so hard. My monitor is expected to live, though.:p
  16. Canonista

    Unfortunately there are gay bashers in our own midst...

    But you're hot, so it works in your favor!:p Actually, my favorite subsection of the gay community are older lesbians (age 50+). I can't explain the coolness, but they're great freakin' company!
  17. Canonista

    Unfortunately there are gay bashers in our own midst...

    Oh, quit being such a victim! :p (Saw your screen name. Couldn't help myself...):bow: Seriously, Sausalito would be wrong on all counts. While saying it here will go over about as well as a fart in a church, I wouldn't concern myself with someone wrong-thinking who does not posess the...
  18. Canonista

    Rep whines

    How about "Star Wars nerd" rep scams? :p
  19. Canonista

    Rep whines

    So being fat, can I be Jobby the Hut?
  20. Canonista

    Rep whines

    I just got my second gold can thanks to Scorsese86. Thanks dude!