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  1. mejix

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    great movie isn’t it? my point with the hipness is that it was avoided. my beef with the ending is of another kind. glad you liked it too. really deserves to be seen.
  2. mejix

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    waltz with bashir- 9/10 a former israeli soldier tries to remember the lebanese war of the 1980's. the animation is pretty cool and the plot is pretty smart. there are a couple of scenes that almost try to make war hip, but back off. i have issues with the ending though.
  3. mejix

    should fish be allowed to menstruate?

    sorry for all the confusion. i should've presented my question more clearly. what i meant was this: fish, as we know or think we know, do not menstruate. i think we can all agree on that. however, if fish suddenly asked to menstruate, if billions of fish came out of the water and pounded our...
  4. mejix

    should fish be allowed to menstruate?

    I don’t know if the question has been raised before on these boards. If it has, I apologize. By fish I mean of course the creatures that live in the ocean.
  5. mejix

    Happy birthday Superodalisque

  6. mejix

    Food travesties. . .

    not sure if this constitutes a travesty but i thought it was a pretty funny combination: wine & cereal
  7. mejix

    What are you reading?

    story of o -pauline reage (meeeaaaoww) everything the rises -lawrence weschler next in line: journey to the end of the night -louis ferdinand celine *
  8. mejix

    the daily hygiene report thread and a score out of ten

    el mejix does not believe in flossing. el mejix lives dangerously~ ok, questions for the group:how did you first become interested in being clean? how do you stay focused? who are your hygiene heroes?
  9. mejix

    the daily hygiene report thread and a score out of ten

    brushed my teeth last night. not sure if i used enough toothpaste. i was just tired and wanted to be done with it. still i think i showed some consistency. i give myself a 10 out of 10. brushed my teeth this morning. sleepy and in a rush. but at end i was perky so i am giving myself a 10 out...
  10. mejix

    the daily hygiene report thread and a score out of ten

    took a shower after running and ended up singing! i even remembered to use deodorant. i give myself a 10 out of10 brushed my teeth first thing in the morning. couldn't sing while brushing. just mumble. still i give myself a 10 out of 10
  11. mejix

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    ponyo- 6.5 or 7.0/10 the ticket went up to $11.00 and frankly in the age of dvd's its really hard to be worth $11.00. the movie didn't click for me. it had some unintentional weirdness that was interesting -ponyo's adrogynous father looks like he's been forced feminized by ponyo's mother- but...
  12. mejix

    Help me decide

    voted garlic rose, looks cheaper (yeah, i'm a classy fella) *
  13. mejix

    Happy Birthday Tonynyc

    awesomo! * *awesomo
  14. mejix

    are these boards just becoming too interesting?

    i don't know, i just want to pose the question. and, are we asking too many questions?
  15. mejix

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    this is a shitty video but i just realized how great this song is: anywhere i lay my head
  16. mejix

    it's summer, it's above 90, it's time to go commando!

    yes time to leave the basement unfurnished, its time to feel the dangle of freedom! but people remember: do no go to a store and try new pants without wearing underwear. that it's just not right.
  17. mejix

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    weather was very nice, yes. not sure if it has been the same elsewhere but we have been having a very mild and nice summer.
  18. mejix

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    ran shaved my head took a shower also ran friday but i am consolidating posts.
  19. mejix

    Happy Birthday, liz ( diva )!

    awesomo *awesomo